Flowers meaning in Korea – birth flower (by birth date)

Flowers meaning in Korea – birth flower (by birth date)
List of flowers (plants) and a description of their meaning in South Korea.
What flowers are best for giving and what do they symbolize? And also the definition of a flower by the month of birth. 🙂

Foreword: In Korea, flowers (flowers, plants) and their meaning are very important. Korea’s national flower is Hibiscus, which symbolizes the value of simple beauty (no frills). And also the strong spirit and health of the nation (since hibiscus, in comparison with other plants, is practically not susceptible to disease and ailments).

P.s. In Korea, hibiscus bushes bloom almost everywhere from July to September 🙂


  • 1. Determination a flower according to date of birth (korean method)
  • 2. What do flowers symbolize in Korea? What does giving flowers symbolize?

1. Determination a flower according to date of birth (korean method)

An interesting fact: Koreans believe that a person’s date of birth and name can influence their destiny. Therefore, special attention has been paid to this in Korea since ancient times. ~ For example, the Korean fortune telling is called saju (사주). Surprisingly, even these days, some Koreans use saju to determine destiny.

P.s. To determine a birth flower (and therefore its meaning) by date of birth, need to know the day and month. So just only month of birth is not enough to determine.

We worked really hard to translate and write this article, please don’t copy past !

1. January birth flowers

1st – 스노우 드롭 Snowdrop symbolizes hope, opportunity.
2nd – 노랑 수선화 Narcissus Jonquilla means answer to love (answer of love also
3rd – 샤프란 Saffron symbolizes youth without regrets. also means joy, delight
4th – 히야신스 (흰색) – White Hyacinth) means “calm love”
5th – 노루귀 Hepatica) This birth flower symbolizes consolation, patience.
6th – 제비꽃 (흰색) White Viola mandshurica symbolizes innocent love.
7th – 튤립 Tulip as a birth flower symbolizes a lovelorn, new beginning and happy end
8th – 제비꽃 (보라) – Purple Viola mandshurica symbolizes love and loyalty
9th – 제비꽃 (노랑) – Yellow Violet) This flower symbolizes shy and timid love:)
10th – 회양목 The Boxwood Tree) Meaning is to endure and perseverance)
11th – 측백나무 An Oriental arbor vitae, a thuja) symbolizes strong, solid friendship
12th – 향기알리섬 Sweet Alyssum) meaning is the striking good looks 🙂
13th – 수선화 – Narcissus) Narcissus means mystery, pride and nobility.)

14th – 시클라멘 Cyclamen) meaning is introverted personality, tolerance)
15th – birth flower is 가시 thorn, prickle (for example, like a rose and a cactus have) Thorn sympolizes strictness, sternness, and also uniqueness:)
16th – 노랑 히아신스 Yellow Hyacinth) meaning is victory and defeat; fight to the finish
17th birth flower is 수영꽃 Rumex. Rumex symbolizes close relationship, friendship, love)
18th birth flower is 어저귀 Indian Mallow) The meaning is speculation, conjecture) also means «to be happy»

19th – 소나무 Pine tree) meaning is longevity, long life and eternal youth~
20th – 미나리아재비 a buttercup, a crowfoot) Symbolizes innocence, naivety, simplicity, artlessness )

21st – 담쟁이덩굴 Ivy) (Parthenocissus tricuspidata) Ivy symbolizes friendship and also strength of mind:)
22nd – 이끼 Moss, symbolizes mother’s instinctive love
23rd – 부들 Bullrush) meaning is purebred and responsible)
24th – 사프란 a Saffron) symbolizes youth without regret)
25th – 점나도나물 Common mouse-ear chickweed (Cerastium). Meaning is to be naive, pure, genuine, sincere) There also says that «Better to try to keep an open mind. to meet a person who really deserves your love.»
26th – birth flower is the 미모사 Mimosa) Mimosa symbolizes sensitive mind, heart ~
27th – birth flower is the 마가목 Rowan (Mountain ash) Rowan symbolizes heart and mind which don’t know laziness)
28th – 검은 포플라 Black Poplar) symbolizes courage)
29th – 사프란 a Saffron) symbolizes past happiness~
30th – 매쉬 메리골드 Marsh Marigold) meaning is «No matter what happens, happiness will come»
31st – 노란 사프란 Spring-Crocus) symbolizes ‘the joy of youth’ 😉

2. February birth flowers list with meanings

1st – 앵초 Primrose) This flower symbolizes ‘youth and sweet longing for’
2nd -모과 Quince tree) meaning is the ordinary, seductive, the one and only love~~
3rd – 황새냉이 Wavy bittercress means “I dedicate myself to you.”
4th – birth flower is 앵초 (빨강) Red primrose means carefree and indifferent beauty.
5th – 양치 꽃 (Fern). Fern symbolizes loveliness, sincerity, trust 
6th – 바위솔 (Horse-Leek, Rock Pine) Rock pine means “diligence in housekeeping”
7th – birth flower is 물망초 Forget-me-not ) This flower meaning is «don’t forget me» also true love, sincere love)
8th – 범의귀 (Saxifraga stolonifera Meerb.) This flower symbolizes unwavering love and friendship
9th – 은매화 Myrtle) This flower symbolizes ‘sweet nothings and whisper of love’
10th – birth flower is 서향 Winter Daphne) meaning is ‘honor’ 

11th – 멜리사 Melissa) Melissa symbolizes sympathy and mercy)
12th – 쥐꼬리망초 Justicia procumbens L. This flower meaning is ‘the ultimate of a sad beauty’
13th – 갈풀 Reed canary grass) Meaning is ‘patience, persistence, endurance, tenacity’
14th – birth flower is 카모마일 Camomile) This day birth flower means resilience that resists (overcome) adversity

15th – 삼나무 a Japanese cedar) This tree meaning is ‘to live because of you’
16th – 월계수 Laurus nobilis) this flower symbolizes victory, glory, also an honorary rank (title) or post)
17th – 야생화 Wild flower) Meaning is familiar nature’ ~
18th birth flower is 미나리아재비 a buttercup, a crowfoot) This flower symbolizes innocence, naivety, simplicity and artlessness

19th – 떡갈나무 Oak Tree) meaning is good sociability, affability and amiability:)
20th birth flower is 칼미아 Kalmia) Kalmia symbolizes large, huge hope and desire)
21st – 네모필라 Nemophila) meaning is patriotic spirit and also mutual love)
22nd – 무궁화 Rose of Sharon (hibiscus) This flower meaning is fragile beauty~

23rd – 살구꽃 (Prunus flower) symbolizes shyness)
24th – 빙카 Periwinkle) This birth flower symbolizes pleasant, colorful memories~
25th – 사향장미 Musk Rose) Meaning is unpredictable, capricious love)
26th – 아도니스 Adonis) symbolizes memories and joys of life)
27th – 아라비아의 별 Star of Arabia flower) symbolizes purity, genuine, innocence)
28th – 보리 Barley) symbolizes unity and also means prosperous, flourishing)
29th – 아르메리아 Armeria) This birth flower meaning is care and mercy)

3. March birth flowers meaning in Korea – birth flower

1st – 수선화 Narcissus) Narcissus means mystery, pride and nobility
2nd – 미나리아재비 a buttercup, a crowfoot symbolizes a beautiful character and also means (to be) simple, innocent, naive.
3rd – 자운영 – Astragalus sinicus means “my happiness”
4th – 나무딸기 – Raspberry plant) symbolizes affection, love
5th – 수레국화 Blue cornflower – happiness.
6th – 데이지 Perennial daisy (white) means cheerfulness and activity.
7th – 황새냉이 Wavy bittercress means longing to the core and also bright happiness)
8th – birth flower is 밤꽃 Castanea) this flower symbolizes the whole (true) heart, sincerity
9th – birth flower is 낙엽송 Larch) Larch symbolizes courage, fearlessness and audacity)
10th – 느릅나무 Elm) Meaning is noble, honorable~

11th – 씀바귀 Ixeridium dentatum) Ixeridium dentatum symbolizes dedication, simplicity, naivety and faithfulness ~
12th – 수양버들 Weeping Willow as a birth tree means sadness of love and also bright future)
13th – 산옥잠화 Hosta longisima Honda) This flower symbolizes the oblivion of love
14th – 아몬드 Almond tree) Symbolizes hopes, wishes, desires)
15th – 독당근 Conium Maculatum) Conium Maculatum symbolizes a worthy end o.o
16th – 박하 / 민트 American wild mint (Mentha canadensis)
17th – 콩꽃 Bean flowers) symbolizes happiness that will come no matter what ~
18th – 아스파라거스 Asparagus) symbplizes constancy)

19th – 치자나무 Cape Jasmine) this birth flower meaning is boundless joy)
20th – 보라색튤립 Purple Tulip meaning is eternal affection, love)
21st – 벚꽃난 Hoya —symbolizes the beginning of life and also ability to empathize)

22nd – 당아욱 Mallow) symbolizes favor, kindness and grace~
23rd March birth flower is 글라디올러스 Gladiolus) Gladiolus means passionate love)
24th – 캘리포니아포피 Califonia Poppy) good hopes~
25th – 덩굴성식물 Climbing Plant, meaning is beauty~
26th – 흰앵초 White Primrose symbolizes a first love)
27th – 칼세올라리아 Calceolaria) symbolizes help, support)
28th – 꽃아카시아나무 Robinia Hispida) this tree meaning is dignity)
29th – 우엉  Burdock (weed) meaning is ‘don’t touch me’, ‘protection’
30th – 금작화 Genista, meaning is ‘First of all, innocent.’
31st – 흑종초 Nigella Damascena) meaning is ‘love of dreamland’ ~

4. April birth flower with meanings

1st – 아몬드 Almond tree) Symbolizes sincere, genuine love~
2nd – 아네모네 Anemone (Wind flower) sybolizes expectation, anticipation, shining hopes~
3rd – 나팔수선화 Trumpet narcissus, symbolizes respect and pride)
4th – 빨강 아네모네 Red Anemone) This flower meaning is “to love you”
5th – 무화과 Fig tree) Fig tree symbolizes abundance, diligence and good offspring 
6th – 아도니스 Adonis) This flower meaning is eternal happiness
7th – 공작고사리 Adiantum pedatum – life, jubilation. And also high spirits.
8th – 금작화 Cytisus scoparius symbolizes love, mercy, philanthropy (love equally directed at everyone)
9th – 벚나무 Cherry tree — symbolizes chastity and purity)
10th – 빙카 Periwinkle) symbolizes a precious (happy, delightful, pleasant) memories

11th – 꽃고비  Polemonium caeruleum. Meaning is “please come to me” “waiting”
12th – 복사꽃 Peach blossom flower) meaning is “in the power of love”, “forgiveness and hope”
13th birth flower 페르시아국화 Golden Wave flower) This flower meaning is a sense of competition also happiness)

14th – 나팔꽃 (흰색) White Morning Glory) meaning is the overflowing with joy and happiness)
15th – 펜 오키드 Fen Orchid) meaning is honorable, respectable, superb~
16th – 튤립 Tulip) meaning is beautiful, flawless eyes

17th – 독일 창포 German Iris) Symbolizes “awesome (great) marriage, wedding”
18th – 자운영 Astragalus sinicus ) This flower means «be swayed (by sth good), be influenced (by something good), be touched (by sth good)»
19th – 참제비고깔 Larkspur) Symbolizes the clear and balmy season~ also means ‘fine, fair, clear’
20th – 서양 배나무 Pear tree) Symbolizes gentle affection, love ^^
21st – 수양버들 Weeping Willow as a birth tree means sadness of love and also bright future)
22nd birth flower is 과꽃 Callistephus, China aster) This flower symbolizes reliable love)

23rd – 도라지 Balloon Flower) Meaning is amiable and warm-hearted
24th – 제라늄 Geranium) Meaning is decision from the heart~
25th – 중국패모 Fritillaria Thunbergii) This flower symbolizes dignity)
26th – 논냉이 Paddy bittercress. Symbolizes burning affection, kindness
27th – 수련 Water Lily. Symbolizes a pure, innocent heart
28th – 앵초 (빨간) Red Primrose) Meaning is incomparable beauty ^^
29th – 동백나무 Camellia tree) This birth tree symbolizes charm, attraction, magnetism ~,~
30th birth flower is 금사슬나무 Golden chain tree) symbolizes sad beauty)

5. May flowers meaning in Korea – birth flower

1st – 카우슬립 앵초 Cowslip) This flower symbolizes the sadness and happiness of youth)
2nd – 미나리아재비 a buttercup, a crowfoot) Symbolizes a beautiful personality and also means (to be) simple, innocent, naive)
3rd birth flower is 민들레 Dandelions (Taraxacum platycarpum) Symbolizes the trust and oracle ~
4th birth flower is 딸기 Garden Strawberry) Garden Strawberry symbolizes love, friendship and respect) Also symbolize brotherly (sisterly) love (affection)
5th – 은방울꽃 a lily of the valley) meaning is “delicate, subtle, exquisite, detailed”
6th – 비단향나무꽃 Stock flower. Symbolizes eternal beauty ~
7th – 딸기 (잎) Strawberry leaf (Fragaria × ananassa) Strawberry leaf symbolizes love and respect, honor~
8th – 수련 Water Lily – Symbolizes a pure, innocent heart
9th – 겹벚꽃 Double cherry blossom symbolizes chastity, calmness. And also silence and grace
10th – 꽃창포 Iris ensata symbolizes graceful, deserving heart

11th – 사과나무 Apple tree – symbolizes temptation, allurement ~
12th – 라일락 Lilac) meaning is “bud of love”
13th – 산사나무 Hawthorn) Meaning is “one and only love”
14th – 매발톱꽃 Columbine flower. Meaning is “oath of victory”
15th birth flower is 물망초 Forget-me-not ) Meaning is true love, sincere love)
16th – 조팝나무 a bridal wreath tree (Spiraea prunifolia f. simpliciflora) This tree symbolizes efforts, also means «child’s play»

17th birth flower is 튤립 (노랑) Yellow tulip symbolizes manifestation, expression of love)
18th May birth flower is 옥슬립 앵초 Oxlip) This flower symbolizes the first love~
19th – 아리스타타 Aristata. The meaning is “an owner of beauty”
20th – 괭이밥 Wood Sorrel. Meaning is “a shining heart, soul”

21st – 참제비고깔 Larkspur. The Meaning is freedom,  liberty
22nd – 귀고리꽃 Fuchsia. Symbolizes an ardent mind ~
23rd – 풀의싹 Leaf buds) Leaf buds symbolizes Memories of first love) also means ‘warm hearted’
24th – 헬리오토로프 Heliotorope. The meaning is literally “Love, forever.”
25th birth flower is 삼색제비꽃 Viola tricolor) this flower symbolizes pure (genuine) love, and also means ‘please think about me’
26th May birth tree is an 올리브나무 Olive tree) meaning is ‘peace, harmony and shining~
27th – 데이지 Daisy) Symbolizes «a heart pure of any taint»
28th – 박하 American wild mint (Mentha canadensis)This day birth flower symbolizes virtue and wealth)
29th – 토끼풀 Clower (Trifolium repens) Clover symbolizes a promise and cheerfulness) Also means «changing thoughts or actions under the positive influences.»
30th – 라일락 (보라) lilac (purple). Lilac symbolizes sudden love and also friendship)
31st birth flower is 무릇 Scilla) Symbolizes strong self-control)

6. June birth flowers and their meanings

1st – 들장미 – Rosa ‘Great Maiden’s Blush’ – The meaning is literally ‘You’re the only one who knows my mind.’
2nd – 빨강 매발톱꽃 Red Aquilegia) This flower means sincerity, frankness~
3rd – 아마 Flax flower) meaning is destiny and fate~
4th – 장미 Damask Rose) As a birth flower rose means ‘a pacific (a charming, and attractive) appearnce and personality.
5th – 메리골드 Marigold) meaning is a pitiful affection and new bright start)
6th – 노랑 붓꽃 Yellow Water Flag flower) meaning is «the happiness of a believer» )
7th – 슈미트티아나 Veronica Schmidtiana, symbolizes means caring, loving heart.
8th – 재스민 Jasmine – means lovable, adorable, endearing, charming~
9th – 스위트 피 Sweet pea) Sweet pea symbolizes memories and also good life:)
10th – 수염패랭이꽃 Dianthus barbatus (Sweet William flower) The meaning is ‘chivalry, a chivalrous spirit, heroism’ :))

11th – 중국패모 Fritillaria Thunbergii (lily) – means greatness and nobility, also dignity)
12th – 레제다 오도라타 Reseda Odorata means charm
13th – 디기탈리스 foxglove (digitalis) — symbolizes ardent love, also means the inability to hide sympathy :))
14th – 뚜껑별꽃 Anagallis) Anagallis symbolizes bright memories)
15th – 카네이션 Carnation) This flower symbolizes passion, ardor, fervor :))

16th birth flower is 튜베 로즈 Tube Rose) meaning is dangerous pleasure and happiness 
17th birth flower is 토끼풀 Clower) meaning is promise and also cheerful, sensitive~
18th – 백리향 Thyme) The meaning is ‘courage, nerve’
19th June birth flower is 스위트브라이어 Sweet Brier) The meaning is virtue and also the beauty of love)
20th – 꼬리풀 Speedwell) The meaning is ‘achievement’
21st – 달맞이꽃 Evening Primrose. The meaning is ‘a free mind’
22nd – 가막살나무 Viburnum) The meaning is ‘love is stronger than death’
23rd – 접시꽃 Holly Hock. This flower meaning is ‘a torrid love affair’

24th – 버베나 Garden Verbena. The meaning is family harmony)
25th June birth flower is 나팔꽃 Morning Glory) meaning is to appreciate the moment and love)
26th – 흰색 라일락 White Lilac, meaning is a beautiful oath
27th June birth flower is 시계꽃 Passion Flower (Passiflora) symbolizes holy love)
28th – 제라늄 Geranium. The meaning is ‘happiness exist because of you’
29th birth flower is 빨간 제라늄 Red Geranium)) This birth flower meaning is ‘There is love because of you’ also symbolizes a decision~
June 30th — 인동 Honey Suckle) meaning is a love affair)

P.s. An interesting fact – in Korea, fresh flowers are practically not given as often as in Europe and Russia. Usually, they are either not given at all or they are given dried bouquets.

7. July birth flowers meanings

1st July birth flower is 단양쑥부쟁이 Fig Marigold) Fig Marigold symbolizes patriotism, merits, distinguished services)
2nd July birth flower is 금어초 Snap Dragon flower~ meaning is desire, ambitions)
3rd – 흰색 양귀비 White Poppy (Opium) — symbolizes oblivion (to sleep in love)
4th July birth flower is 자목련 Lily Magnolia symbolizes love of nature)
5th – 라벤더 Lavendar) Lavendar symbolizes chastity and rich fragrance)
6th July birth flower is 해바라기 Sun Flower) meaning is affection (for, toward) and love~
7th July birth flower is 서양까치밥나무 Goose berry symbolizes expectation, calculation and forecast)
8th July birth flower is 버드푸트 Birdfoot (Lotus corniculatus, symbolizes ‘the day until meet’ … o.o Also this flower means that innocence and sincerity are your strengths)

9th – 아이비 제라늄 Ivy geranium) This birth flower symbolizes true affection, love)
10th – 초롱꽃 Bellflower, symbolizes gratitude)

11th – 아스포델 Asphodel) Asphodel meaning is literally ‘I am yours’
12th July birth flower is 좁은입배풍동 Solanum – means unrestrained) and also bright)
13th – 잡초의 꽃 Flower of Grass (as far as we understand, this includes all small meadow inflorescences) – means real, realistic love
14th – 플록스 Phlox – means peacefulness; peaceful, soft
15th – 들장미 Briar Rose (Wild Rose) meaning is ‘lovable, adorable’
16th – 비단향꽃무 Stock flower, meaning is ‘eternal beauty’
17th – 흰색장미 White Rose, symbolizes ‘respect, admiration’
18th – 이끼 장미 Moss Rose, meaning is ‘simple-minded, innocent and gullible”
19th July birth flower is 백부자 Aconite) Aconite means ‘to shine beautifully’ ^^
20th – 가지 Eggplant tree, meaning is ‘honest, truth’

21st – 노랑장미 Yellow Rose, symbolizes beauty)
22nd – 패랭이꽃 Dianthus chinensis) Symbolizes longing for someone or something, as well as immaculate pure love ~
23rd – 장미 Rose) As a birth flower rose means ‘a pacific (a charming, and attractive) personality’
24th – 연령초 Trillum) means a tender heart)
25th – 말오줌나무 Elder Tree (red-berried elder) (wow like in Harry Potter)) aha This birth tree meaning is diligence, strength, doing something from the whole heart)
26th – 향쑥 Wormwood, symbolizes peace and harmony)
27th birth flower is 제라늄 Geranium) symbolizes Sincere affection)
28th July birth flower is 패랭이꽃 – Dianthus chinensis) And the meaning is ‘to love forever’
29 July birth flower is 선인장 Cactus) Cactus symbolizes a burning heart ~
30th July birth tree is 라임나무 Lime tree) The meaning is conjugal love~
31st July – 호박 Pumpkin (as a herbaceous plant) – symbolizes immeasurability, vastness, and also interpretation and explanation)

8. August birth flowers and their meanings

1st – 빨강 양귀비 Red Papaver, the meaning is consolation)
2nd – 수레국화 Cornflower, Centaurea cyanus L. This flower meaning is «happiness» 🙂
3rd – 수박풀 Flover of an Hour, symbolizes ‘a beautiful image of a lady’
4th – 옥수수 Corn Plant) the meaning is ‘treasures, wealth, precious things’
5th – 엘리카 Heath) meaning is beautiful loneliness, solitude, also — soulmate)
6th – 능소화 Trumpet Creeper) the meaning is ‘honor’
7th – 석류나무 Pomegranate tree) The meaning is ‘flawless, mature beauty’
8th – 진달래 Azalea) Azalea symbolizes joy of love ^^
9th – 시스투스 Cistus)This flower symbolizes popularity)
10th – 이끼 Moss, lichen, symbolizes maternal instinct; mother’s instinctive love)
11th – 무늬제라늄 Pelargonium zonale) This flower symbolizes comfort, consolation, solace) and also beautiful way)
12th – 협죽도 Sweet Oleander) The meaning is “danger, serious friendship, being lucky”

13th – 골든 로드 Golden Rod) meaning is ‘alert, luck’
14th – 저먼더 Wall Germander) this flower symbolizes respect and affection, love and esteem
15th – 해바라기 Helianthus (Sunflower) means beautiful light
16th – 타마린드 Tamarindus – means luxury, living a wealthy lifestyle

17th – 튤립나무 Tulip tree) The meaning is happiness of the countryside~
18th – 접시꽃 Holly Hock, symbolizes passionate love)
19th – 로사 캠피온 Rosa Campion, symbolizes faithfulness, sincerity.
20th – 프리지아 Freesia) The meaning is ‘chastity, innocence’)
21st – 짚신나물 Agrimony, symbolizes gratitude)
22nd – 조팝나무 a Bridal Wreath tree (Spiraea prunifolia f. simpliciflora) This tree symbolizes efforts and results ^^

23rd -보리수 A Bo tree, Linden tree, symbolizes love of a married couple and also vimutti, nirvana)
24th – 금잔화 Calendula) meaning is sadness of parting and also the beginning of love)
25th – 안스륨 Flaming Flower) This flower meaning is incredible happiness in love)
26th – 하이포시스 오리어 Hypoxis Aurea) This flower meaning is ‘to looking for light, to find light’ 
27th -고비 Osumunda) symbolizes fancy, daydream, dreams)
28th – 에린지움 Eryngium, symbolizes secret affection^^
29th – 꽃담배 Flowering Tabacco Plant) This flower means «not lonely because you are here»
30th – 저먼더 Wall Germander, symbolizes unassuming, sincerity, light)
31st – 토끼풀 Clower (Trifolium repens) Clover symbolizes a promise and cheerfulness)

9. September birth flowers meaning

1st – 호랑이꽃 Tiger Flower) meaning is «love me»
2th – 멕시칸 아이비 Cobaea (Mexican Ivy). Mexican Ivy means ‘change’
3rd – 마거리트 Marguerite) The meaning is ‘love hidden in the heart’
4th – 뱀무 Geum) symbolizes satisfied love:) o.o also means «promising skills» ~
5th – 느릅나무 Elm) The meaning is ‘trust, faith, confidence’)
6th – 한련 Nasturtium. The meaning is patriotism, patriotic spirit
7th – 오렌지 Orange tree — symbolizes purity and sincerity, and also the joy of the bride :))
8th – 갓 Mustard flower, the meaning is indifference and wonderful calmness)
9th – 갓개미취 Aster tripolium L — Michaelmas Daisy) This flower meaning is memories~
10th – 흰색 과꽃 White China Aster) and the meaning is ‘a trusting heart’
11th – 알로에 Aloe) And the meaning is «importance of actions andwillpower» ^^

12th – 클레마티스 Clematis, this flower symbolizes beauty of the heart, soul)
13th – 버드나무 Willow tree) The meaing is ‘honesty, sincerity, straightforwardness’ )
14th – 마르멜로 Quince) The meaning is ‘temptation, lure’
15th 다알리아 Dahlia) The meaning is ‘qlamour, colorfulness’
16th – 용담 Gentian) this flower meaning is «to love your sad look; beautiful sadness» 
17th – 에리카 Erica symbolizes solitude, loneliness and ‘beautiful days’

18th – 엉겅퀴 Silybum marianum symbolizes legibility, exactingness
19th – 사초 Carex) The meaning is prudence, circumspection and self-love (respect)
20th – 로즈메리 Rosemary) Means ‘please think about me’
21st – 사프란 a Saffron) symbolizes youth without regret)

22nd – 퀘이킹 그라스 Quaking Grass) Quaking Grass symbolizes excitement, inflation) and also cheerfulness)
23rd – 주목 Spreading yew / Japanese yew) This flower symbolizes «worthy, noble (about hobby, etc.), refined (taste), refined, sublime»
24th – 오렌지 Orange trees flower~ Meaning is chastity, purity) and also the happiness of the newlyweds
25th – 메리귀 animated oat plant) Means «to love music»
26th – 고욤나무 Date Plums) The meaning is ‘nature beauty’ 
27th – 떡갈나무 Oak, this tree meaning is ‘eternal love, to love forever’
28th – 줄맨드라미 a love-lies-bleeding, Amaranthus caudatus. meaning is «need to believe in yourself»
29th – 사과나무 Apple tree) meaning is fame, reputation, (formal) renown~
30th – 삼나무 Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria)) Cryptometria symbolizes magnificence, sublimity, majesty and greatness:)

10. October birth flowers and their meaning

1st – 빨강 국화 Red Chrysanthemum) meaning is love ~
2nd – 살구 Apricot tree, the meaning is ‘lady’s shyness’
3rd – 단풍나무 Maple (Acer palmatum) Maple tree means «refrain from smt», also means wisdom)
4th – 홉 Common Hop ~ The meaning is ‘to be innocent and naive’
5th – 종려나무 Palm tree) symbolizes victory)
6th – 개암나무 Hazel tree — symbolizes reconciliation)
7th – 전나무 (젓나무) Fir tree) This tree symbolizes worthy, noble (about hobby, etc.), refined (taste), exquisite, sublime~
8th – 파슬리 Parsley:))) Parsley symbolizes a victory, triumph^^
9th – 회향 (Foeniculum vulgare) symbolizes high praise )
10th -멜론 Melon plant — meaning is satiety, abundance, satiety)
11th – 부처꽃 Lythrum) Symbolizes the sadness of love and new bright future)
12th – 월귤 lingonberry/cowberry) symbolyizes ‘spirit of defiance, spirit of resistance’ And also strong heart

13th – 조팝나무 a bridal wreath tree (Spiraea prunifolia f. simpliciflora) means neat love.
14th – 흰색 국화 White Chrysanthemum. Symbolizes  truth, sincere, genuine
15th – 스위트바질 Sweet Basil) and meaning is a good hopes, expectations)
16th – 이끼장미 Moss Rose, means innocent and naive
17th – 포도 Grape plant, symbolizes trust, faith, confidence
18th – 넌출월귤 Cranberry, means console the pain of one’s heart; talent
19th – 봉선화 (빨강) Impatiens balsamina (red) – means “don’t touch me”
20th – 마 Yam (Chinesse Yam) – means fate, destiny

21st – 엉겅퀴 Thistle, Thistle meaning is  independence.
22nd – 벗풀 Arrowhead) This flower symbolizes trust, big confidence)
23rd – 흰독말풀 Datula Metel symbolizes respect and affection, love and esteem
24th – 매화 Japanese apricot flower (blossom) symbolizes a high mind, noble-minded

25th – 단풍나무 Maple) But the meaning is ‘importance of the strength of mind, spiritual strength of the heart’
26th – 수영 Rumex, symbolizes love, affection and freedom)
27th – 들장미 Briar Rose) symbolizes poetry and also the time
28th – 무궁화 Rose of Sharon (hibiscus) the meaning is subtle beauty and also loyalty and eternity)
29th – 해당화 rugosa rose) means ‘to lead, to guide’ )
30th – 로벨리아 Lobelia (Lobelia erinus)) This flower means «confront the forces of evil, important to stay warm-hearted»
31st – 칼라 Calla, meaning is the ‘fervent zeal, ardor, ardent passion’

11. November birth flowers meanings

1st – 서양모과 Mespilus germanica, known as the Medlar) and means «one’s only love»
2nd – 루피너스 Lupinus, means mother’s instinctive love
3rd – 브리오니아 Bryonia) This flower meaning is refusal, rejection, the wonder, and also understanding)
4th – 골고사리 hart’s-tongue (fern). Hart’s Tongue Fern symbolizes honest, truth, and also solace, comfort)
5th – 까실쑥부쟁이 Korean daisy symbolizes merits and light)
6th – 등골짚신나물 Agrimony Eupatoire) Means hesitation, indecision, and also thankfulness~
7th – 메리골드 Marigold, means the wrench of parting and literally ‘No matter what happens, happiness will surely come’.

8th – 가는동자꽃 Lychnis kiusiana Makino) meaning is wit, ingenious wisdom ~
9th – 몰약의 꽃 Myrrh) symbolizes sincere, genuine, truth
10th – 부용 Hibiscus mutabilis/Confederate rose ) Confederate rose symbolizes fragile beauty~
11th – 흰동백 White Camellia) meaning is secret love)

12th – 레몬 Lemon tree) meaning is sincerely love, treat carefully~
13th – 레몬 버베나 Lemon Verbena) symbolizes means patience and endurance. overcoming all difficulties)
14th – 소나무 Pinus Densiflora — perennial youth and long life
15th – 황금싸리 Crown Vetch means modesty, humility)
16th – 크리스마스 로즈 Christmas Rose, means sweet memories)
17th – 머위 bog rhubarb, a butterbur) symbolizes equity, fairness, impartiality, justice)
18th – 산나리 Hill Lily) The meaning is grandeur, solemnity, stateliness and magnificence~

19th – 범의귀 (Saxifraga stolonifera Meerb.) This flower meaning is the «secret» o.o
20th – 뷰글라스 Bugloss, the meaning is sincere, genuine, truth.
21st – 초롱꽃 Campanula punctata (Lantern flower) means conscientiousness, sincerity
22nd – 매자나무 Korean barberry) meaning is difficult, (informal) picky, and also beautiful)
23rd – 양치 꽃 (Fern). The meaning is loveliness, sincerity, trust ^^
24th – 가막살나무 Viburnum) meaning is «love is stronger than death»
25th – 개옻나무 Toxicodendron trichocarpum)) The meaning is ‘wisdom, intelligence, sagacity, prudence’
26th – 서양톱풀 Yarrow, meaning is ‘quidance, teaching, also inspiring’
27th – 붉나무 Phus~ meaning is faith (in) and time)
28th – 과꽃 China Aster symbolizes abstraction and also winter snow)
29th – 바카리스 Baccharis, the meaning is ‘to develop’
30th – 낙엽, 마른 풀 Reed, also any dry grass and fallen leaves) and the meaning is ‘waiting for a new spring, love’

12. December birth flowers and their meanings

1st – 쑥국화 Tansy) symbolizes ‘peace, to (be) peaceful’
2nd – 이끼 Moss, lichen) symbolizes maternal instinct)
3rd – 라벤더 Lavendar) The meaning is expectation and hope)
4th – 수영 Rumex. Rumex symbolizes friendship, affection)
5th – 앰브로시아 Ambrosia, means happy, joyful love
6th – 바위취 a saxifrage) symbolizes desperate, strong love)
7th – 양치 꽃 (Fern). Fern symbolizes loveliness, sincerity, trust ^^
8th – 갈대 Reed)) And the meaning is ‘deep love, affection’
9th – 국화 Chrysanthemum, meaning is the high-mindedness, innocence, peace)
10th – 빨강 동백 Red Camellia) The meaning is noble mind, high-minded ~
11th – 단양쑥부쟁이 Fig Marigold) Fig Marigold symbolizes patriotism, merits, distinguished services)

12th – 목화 Cotton Plant) meaning is the excellent, superb, outstanding~ also means ‘love of mother’
13rd – 자홍색 국화 magenta chrysanthemum — the meaning is love)
14th – 소나무 Pine (Pinus Densiflora) means brave, courageous.

15th – 서향 Winter Daphne, and the meaning is immortality, honor and ‘love in the dream’
16th – 오리나무 Alder tree) meaning is ‘grandeur, solemnity, sublimity, stateliness, magnificence’
17th – 벚꽃난 Hoya) meaning is agreement, agree (with)) also means happines~
18th – 세이지 Sage) meaning is the family virtue~
19th – 스노 플레이크 Snowflake) meaning is ‘beauty’ ~,~
20th – 파인애플 Pineapple tree) meaning is the absolute perfection))
21st – 박하 American wild mint (Mentha canadensis) American wild mint symbolizes virtue goodness, also the happy/golden mean )
22nd – birth flower is 백일홍 Zinnia) Zinnia symbolizes happiness)

23rd – 플라타너스 Platanus) meaning is genius, wizard)
24th – 겨우살이 Mistletoe (Viscum album) means great patience, endurance
25th – 서양호랑가시나무 Holly (Ilex aquifolium) — symbolizes foresight, also changes)
26th – 크리스마스로즈 Christmas rose (pls check the name of the flower in english, cause we didn’t find the right english name ㅜㅜ) – Symbolizes memories.
27th – 매화 -Japanese apricot) means a lucid mind
28th – 석류나무 Pomegranate tree) This tree meaning is ‘flawless, mature beauty’
29th – 꽈리 Winter cherry, bladder cherry) This flower means natural beauty
30th – 납매 Carolina Allspice) This flower symbolizes the benevolent affections, also deep and tender love)
31st – 노송나무 Chamaecyparis obtusa) The meaning is ‘immortality, happiness’ 

2. What do flowers symbolize in Korea? What does giving flowers symbolize?

1. In general, a tulip means perfect love, passion, fame, fame. It is also a symbol of the Netherlands.
2. Yellow tulip means sunlight in your smile
3. Red tulip symbolizes notification, declaration of love
4. White tulip means – “precious to you”

5. Chamomile means fulfillment, fulfillment of dreams and goals.

6. The white jasmine means friendliness, good nature, cordiality.

7. White rose means true purity, sincerity.
8. The yellow rose symbolizes friendship and joy.
9. A pink rose means perfect happiness.
10. Red rose means passionate thirst, “I love you”
11. A pale pink rose means good deed, mercy.
12. Peach rose means meekness, eternity

13. Daylily (a type of lily) means coquetry.
14. Calla lily symbolizes incredible beauty.
15. Tiger lily means wealth and pride.

16. The peonies mean a happy marriage. As well as prosperity and shyness.

17. The cactus symbolizes patience, stamina, endurance.

18. High sunflower – fake wealth, pride.
19. Sunflower low (short) means admiration, pride.

20. Iris means faith, courage, wisdom and friendship.

21. Azalea symbolizes “take care of yourself for me”

22. Orchid as a giving flowers means “beauty, love”.

23. Chrysanthemum (General) means “you are an awesome friend”, also means cheerfulness and relaxation.

Of course, these are not all flowers with meanings – there are many more. Even the blades of grass in Korea have a special meaning 🙂

Flowers meaning in Korea – birth flower (by birth date)
P.S. We were inspired to write this article by the kdrama: “Convenience store Saet Byeol” (Backstreet Rookie) We recommend watching 🙂

If you have any questions about “Flowers meaning in Korea – birth flower” feel free to ask in the comments ^^

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  • I would really like to know the meaning of my birth flower. I was born on 9th November, and I’ve found out on one site that my birth day flower is Myrrh. I’m guessing that’s right, but I still don’t know its meaning. 😊

    • Hello Manuela! Nice to see you here~
      And yeap your birth flower is Myrrh 물약의 꽃. Myrrh symbolizes honest, truth, sincere and genuine 🙂

      • Hiii. I would like to know the birth flower for may 4th please :))

        • Hii, Kamila^^
          4th May birth flower is 딸기 Garden Strawberry) Garden Strawberry symbolizes Love, friendship and respect) Also symbolize brotherly (sisterly) love (affection)

          • Hi, my birthday is 16 May. Please, may I know my birth flower and its meaning? Thank you! (:

          • Hello)) sure!
            May 16th birth flower…tree is 조팝나무 a bridal wreath tree (Spiraea prunifolia f. simpliciflora)
            This tree symbolizes efforts, also means «child’s play»

          • Hello dayoung😊
            Can u plz let me know the birth flower of september 29, December 17 and its corresponding meaning.

          • Hello Khushi~~ sure
            29th September 사과나무 Apple tree) meaning is fame, reputation, (formal) renown~
            17th December 벚꽃난 Hoya) meaning is agreement, agree (with)) also means happines~

          • I would like to know for 15th October please😊.

        • Hi! My birthday is November 6th, I’d love to know my birth flower!

          • Hi, Rachel :))
            6th November birth flower is 등골짚신나물 Agrimony Eupatoire) Means hesitation, indecision, and also thankfulness~

          • Hi! May I know about the flower of December 13rd? Thanks! Have a good day ^_^

          • Hey)) sure
            December 13rd birth flowers is 자홍색 국화 magenta chrysanthemum – the meaning is love)

          • Hello there dayoung!!First of all thank you for your words and’s a pleasure to be able to know your birth date flower.. fighting!!!!!

          • oh thank you very very glad to hear))

        • Hey 🙂 my birthday is on 13th of August ,could you tell me my birth flower and it’s meaning?

          • Hello, Karla^^
            13th august birth flower is 골든 로드 Golden Rod) meaning is ‘alert, luck’ and there is also some phrase ‘better to take it easy’ o.o

        • Hii~! It would really be cool if you could tell me what my birth flower is. 🥺 I was born in November 23! I saw from a post that that’s supposed to be fern but I still don’t know it’s meaning~

          • Hello!))
            23rd November birth flower is 양치 꽃 (Fern). The meaning is loveliness, sincerity, trust ^^

          • Hello Dayoung I would really know, how Cornflower? Because im have a mission xixixi, thank you before that

          • Hello)) Um.. Do you asking cornflower meaning as a birth plant or cornflower meaning in general?)) cause its might be different))

        • Hi I would really like to know the flower for June 27th and it’s meaning please!😊🤗🙏

          • Hello, Amelia^^
            27th June birth flower is 시계꽃 Passion Flower (Passiflora) symbolizes holy love)

        • Hi, I would like to know the meaning of my birth flower. I was born on the 4th of July and I have researched that my birth flower is Lily Magnolia. What does lily magnolia mean?

          • Hello, Joan Cabusao ^ㅅ^ Yeah, you are right, your birth flower is 자목련 Lily Magnolia)
            And Lily Magnolia means love of nature)

          • Please tell the flower for 1st of December. It’s my friend’s brother’s birthdate. He wanted to know. Mine was March 12 and I’m sooo happy with Weeping willow!!!

          • Hi, ahaha))) glad for you and Weeping willow)))
            1st December birth flower is 쑥국화 Tansy) symbolizes «peace, to (be) peaceful»

          • hello. this is very interesting information, thank you a lot for making that post.
            btw i didn’t found a flower of July 31. Do you mind to reply me about that?

          • Hello! omg sorry
            why we missed that….

            31st July – 호박 Pumpkin (as a herbaceous plant) – symbolizes immeasurability, vastness, and also interpretation and explanation ;)) ^^

      • Hi!!! I’d love to know my birthflower.
        My birthday is June 9th. Thanks 🙂

        • Hello~~
          June 9th birth flower is 스위트 피 Sweet pea) Sweet pea symbolizes memories and also good life:)

          • Hi i would like to know my birth flower, my birthday is 1st December. I appreciate it

          • Hello)^^
            1st December birth flower is 쑥국화 Tansy) symbolizes “peace, to (be) peaceful”

          • Can you tell me for oct 15😊

          • Hi)) ~~
            15th October birth flower is 스위트바질 Sweet Basil) and meaning is a good hopes, expectations)

          • Hello, my sister born in 19 Agust. May i know what is my sister’s birth flower and the meaning?

          • And your sister birth flower is 로사 캠피온 Rosa Campion) Meaning is faithfulness, sincerity, diligence)

          • Hi, if you don’t mind I would like to know me and my family’s birth flower and meaning. I’m December 19, my mom September 17, my sister august 25th, and my dad, April 24

          • Hello)) yeap
            December 19th birth flower is 스노 플레이크 Snowflake) meaning is ‘beauty’ ~,~
            September 17th 에리카 Heath flower (Erica) – the meaning is the solitude loneliness and ‘beautiful days’
            August 25th – 안스륨 Flaming Flower) This flower meaning is incredible happiness in love)
            April 24th – 제라늄 Geranium – decision, resolution, determination )

        • Hello I was born on 10 Nov I want to know my birth flower and meaning thanks.

          • Hello)^^
            10 November birth flower is 부용 Hibiscus mutabilis/Confederate rose )
            Confederate rose symbolizes fragile beauty~
            also means “good luck will surely come”

          • Hii, I was born on 30 Oct and I want to know my birth flower+meaning pls, thank you.

          • Hello! Sorry for late answer! ㅠㅠ
            30 october birth flower is 로벨리아 Lobelia (Lobelia erinus)) This flower means “confront the forces of evil, important to stay warm-hearted”

          • Hii, I was born on 15th August and I want to know my birth flower+meaning pls, thank you.

          • Hello!)
            15th August birth flower is 해바라기 Sunflower) symbolizes beautiful light~

        • helloo, i was born on 9th august. could you tell me what is my birth flower and the meaning is? thanks aniway 🥰

          • Hello! Sorry for late answer! ㅜㅜ ❀❀❀
            9th august birth flower is 시스투스 Cistus)This flower symbolizes popularity)

          • Hi, may I know the birth flower for 19 April? Thank you!

          • Hello, Justin^^
            19th April birth flower is 참제비고깔 Larkspur) This flower symbolizes the clear and balmy season~ also means ‘fine, fair, clear’ 😉

        • Hey, can I know what my birth flower? November 1st is the date.

          • Hello)) sure
            November 1st birth flower is 서양모과 ( Mespilus germanica) known as the Medlar
            Medlar means «one’s only love» ~.~

          • Hi my date of birth is September 9,may I know my birth flower and its meaning. 😊 Thanks in advance.

          • Hello))
            9th September birth flower is 갓개미취 Aster tripolium L – Michaelmas Daisy) This flower meaning is memories~

          • hello!!december 16th please <3

          • Hi!))
            16th December birth flower is 오리나무 Alder tree) meaning is ‘grandeur, solemnity, sublimity, stateliness, magnificence’ 😉

          • Hello😊
            Can i know my birth flower?
            I was born on 3rd June
            Please and thank you

          • Hey!)) sorry for late answer)
            3rd June birth flower is 아마 Flax flower) meaning is destiny and fate~

        • Hello! I’d love to know my birth flower, as well as the meaning. My birthday is July 22!

          • Hello!)
            July 22nd birth flower is 패랭이꽃 Dianthus chinensis) Symbolizes longing for someone or something, as well as immaculate pure love ~

      • Hello~~ Would you be so kind to tell me my birth flower and the meaning of it? My birthday is March 15th. Also if I may ask is it might be different the birth flower and the meaning of it in other country? Thank you. Have a good day 😊😊

        • Hello 황민슬씨~
          Yeap, the flower meanings we publish here is only taken from korean sources, so I guess this meaning popular is only in Korea (may be Asia also)
          March 15th birth flower is 독당근 Conium Maculatum) Conium Maculatum symbolizes a worthy end o.o 🙂

          • 감사합니다 다영씨 ❤❤❤❤
            I read on other sources this flower also mean “Dead is a waste” is it trueee? 😱

          • Aw, no its just a wrong translation !

          • You are 짱이엥요~~~ thank you for explaining it. Have a nice day 💐💐💐💐

          • Can you please tell me the flower for OCTOBER 15??

          • Hi Chloe!!
            15th October birth flower is 스위트바질 Sweet Basil) and meaning is a good hopes, expectations)

      • Hiiiiiiii, I would really like to know my birth flower, December 7th…
        Thank you so much have a lovely day

        • Hello, Jess~
          7th December birth flower is 양치 꽃 (Fern). Fern symbolizes loveliness, sincerity, trust ^^

          • Hi,may I know birth flower for 29th October and meaning?

          • hi!)) Sure
            29th October birth flower is 해당화 rugosa rose) means «to lead, to guide» ))

      • I would like to know mine. My birthday is November 7th.

        • Hello))
          November 7th birth flower is 메리골드 Marigold) This day birth flower symbolizes sweet sorrow of parting)

          • Hi…my birthday is 30 July…whats my birth flower and it’s meaning.

          • Hello, Aminy ^ㅅ^
            30th July birth tree is 라임나무 Lime tree) The meaning is conjugal love~

        • Hi I would like to know my birth flower and it’s meaning my birthday is July 7

          • Hello, Maria~
            July 7th birth flower is 서양까치밥나무 Goose berry symbolizes expectation, calculation and forecast)

      • I wanted to know what is the birth flower for june 6 and its meaning?

        • Hello))
          June 6th birth flower is 노랑 붓꽃 Yellow Water Flag flower) meaning is “the happiness of a believer” )

          • Hello~ this may be a little late 😅 but I would like to know about the birth flower for December 11th. Thank you so much in advance.

          • Hello!)) December 11th birth flower is 단양쑥부쟁이 Fig Marigold) Fig Marigold symbolizes patriotism, merits, distinguished services)

        • My birthday is on 15 september.could you pls tell me my birth flower and its meaning

        • Hello ! Thank you for your article and for answering comments. I’d like to know what my flower is and its signification. I am born on October 4th! Thank you so much!!

          • hey)) ^ㅅ^ thank you too~
            4th October birth flower is 홉 Common Hop ~ The meaning is ‘to be innocent and naive’

      • Hello .. can you please tell me the birth flower of people born on December 11 .

        • Hello, Gazal~~ sure
          December 11th birth flower is 단양쑥부쟁이 Fig Marigold) Fig Marigold symbolizes patriotism, merits, distinguished services)

      • 안녕하세요 would you please tell me the flower meaning for June 16? I tried to go through all the messages just in case someone already asked but I can’t find it. 감사합니다.

        • 안녕하세요^^ 한국말을 할 줄 아는 사람들을 보기 참 좋네요~ ^ㅅ^
          June 16th birth flower is 튜베 로즈 Tube Rose) meaning is dangerous pleasure and happiness 😉

      • Hiii my birthday is August 17th what is my birth flower???

        • Hey))
          August 17th birth flower is 튤립나무 Tulip tree) The meaning is happiness of the countryside~

      • Hi i would like to know my birthday flower 12dec is the date waiting for the response

        • Hello))
          12th December birth flower is 목화 — Cotton Plant) meaning is the excellent, superb, outstanding~ also means ‘love of mother’

        • Hi. I would like to know my birth flower. My birthday is 19th November. Could you please tell me what it means??

          • Hello)) sure 😉
            19th November birth flower is 범의귀 (Saxifraga stolonifera Meerb.) This flower meaning is the “secret” o.o

          • Hello 👋 Could you tell me about the birth flower for 25th November ? Thank you x

          • Hello, Courtney))
            25th November birth… tree is 개옻나무 Toxicodendron trichocarpum))
            The meaning is ‘wisdom, intelligence, sagacity, prudence’

      • Could you tell me mine please?
        Birthday day is 18th December
        And what does it symbolises

        • Hello!)) sure
          18th December birth flower is 세이지 Sage) meaning is the family virtue~

      • Hello I’m new here. My name is dee. Could you please tell me birth flower and it’s meaning? I was born September 9th 2004*.
        * I added the year just in case you needed it, I’m not really sure🙃.

        • Hey)) Yeah it’s enought to know day and months))
          So 9th September birth flower is 갓개미취 Aster tripolium L — Michaelmas Daisy) This flower meaning is memories~

      • Hi Dayoung! This blog was very informative and interesting. If you could, please answer my question. I was born on 4th of October, 2000. What is my birth flower?

        • Hey!)) Sorry for late answer(
          4th October birth flower is 홉 Common Hop ~ The meaning is ‘to be innocent and naive’

      • Hi.. could you please tell my about my birth flower too? It’s November 1st.

        • Hey! Sure
          1st November birth flower is 서양모과 ( Mespilus germanica) known as the Medlar) and means «one’s only love» ~.~

          • hi, i would like to know what is my birth flower and its meaning, my birthday is on September 11, thanks

          • Hii yeap
            11th September birth flower is 알로에 Aloe) And the meaning is «importance of actions andwillpower» ^^

        • Hello I would like to know the date of 12/30, thanks

          • Hello))
            30th December birth flower is 납매 Carolina Allspice) This flower symbolizes the benevolent affections, also deep and tender love)

      • Hi sorry i wanted to know the name and meaning of my friends birth flower…the date is 12 october
        Could you please help me?

        • Hey, sure
          Sorry for late answer!
          12th October birth flower is 월귤 lingonberry/cowberry) symbolyizes ‘spirit of defiance, spirit of resistance’ And also strong heart

      • Hi sorry i wanted to know the name and meaning of my friends birth flower…the date is 12 october
        Could you please help me?

        • hey all birthday meanings are already in article, check it again pls ㅠㅠ ))

    • hi dayoung..mine is 21st December can you tell me the meaning behind it..? thank you in advance 💕

      • Hello!) ^^
        21st December birth flower is 박하 American wild mint (Mentha canadensis) American wild mint symbolizes virtue goodness, also the happy/golden mean )

      • I was born September 5th and I would really like to know my birth flower and meaning plz 🙂

        • Hey))
          September 5th birth flow.. tree is 느릅나무 Elm) The meaning is ‘trust, faith, confidence’)

    • Could you please do 24 of October? I would be so grateful! Thank you!

      • Hello, Ellen)) sorry for late answer ㅠㅠ
        24th October birth flower is 매화 Japanese apricot flower (blossom) symbolizes a high mind, noble-minded

  • Me too! I would really like to know the meaning of my birth flower. I was born on 2nd of August! : ))

    • Hello) Wow my mother too was born on 2nd august!😄
      2nd August – birth flower is 수레국화 Cornflower, Centaurea cyanus L. This flower meaning is “happiness” :))

      • um hello 🙂 I’d like to know the birth flowers and their and my friend were curious haha, so um my birthday is on 16th February and his is on 30th December. thank you 😊

        • Hi))
          16th February birth flower is 월계수 Laurus nobilis symbolizes victory, glory, also an honorary rank (title) or post)
          30th december birth flower is 납매 Carolina Allspice) This flower symbolizes the benevolent affections, also deep and tender love)

          • I was born on 28 November..I wanted to know my birth flower..

          • Hello, Sonal~~
            November 28th — 과꽃 China Aster symbolizes abstraction and also winter snow)

      • Hii helloo, i was born on April 10 could you tell me what is my birth flower and the meaning is? thanks aniway 😊

        • Hi!~~
          April 10 birth flower is 빙카 Periwinkle) This flower symbolizes a precious (happy, delightful, pleasant) memories)

      • Hi, I know my birth flower it’s “rose of Sharon” . My date of birth is 28th October. I like to know I’m right or wrong about my birth flower !? And also love to know meaning of my birth flower

        • Hello~~ Nice to see you here)
          So yeah thats right your birth flower is 무궁화 Rose of Sharon (hibiscus) the meaning is subtle beauty and also loyalty and eternity)
          – 28th October –

          • Hello there ! Thank you for your wonderful work.
            Could you please tell me what is the birth flower and its meaning for the 2nd of July ? It’s for my sister.


          • Hello, Min~~ thank you*-*
            2nd July birth flower is 금어초 Snap Dragon flower~ meaning is desire, ambition) How about your birth flower?) Don’t you wonder?)

      • I was born on 2nd December 2000,will you please let me know what is my birth flower and what does it means

  • I was born on 26th January so I wanna know my birth flower and it’s meaning.

    • Hello! 🙂
      January 26th birth flower is the 미모사 Mimosa)
      Mimosa symbolizes sensitive mind, heart ~

      • I was born on 30 april, I want to know my Birth flower and thank you😊

        • Hello^^
          30th april birth flower is 금사슬나무 Laburnum anagyroides) This tree symbolizes the sad beauty~*_*

      • Hey I was born on May 15th. Would love to know mine😊 thanks

        • hey, Aria~
          May 15th birth flower is 물망초 Forget-me-not )
          This flower meaning is true love, sincere love)

          • Hello. My birthdate is June 14 and I would really love to know my birth flower and it’s meaning ( ◠‿◠ ) Thank you!

          • Hello)❀
            June 14 birth flower is 뚜껑별꽃 Anagallis) Anagallis symbolizes bright memories)

        • Hello, I was born in Feb 20th. What’s my birth flower? I’ve searched but I don’t get the answer

          • Hello))
            February 20th birth flower is 칼미아 Kalmia) Kalmia symbolizes large, huge hope and desire)

          • Hey there, i want to know if there are flowers that represent maturity

          • Hi Eva~
            꽃향유 Elsholtzia splendens symbolizes maturity) also means “Autumn scent”

          • Heyy I would like to know the birth flower and it’s meaning for February 23 and December 4 please 🙂

          • Hello)
            23rd February 살구꽃 (Prunus flower) symbolizes shyness)
            4th December 수영 Rumex. Rumex symbolizes friendship, affection)

    • Hi i would also really like to know my birth flower 🙂 i was born on the 25.August. Thank you so much for taking your time and have a great day!

      • Hi, I wouldn’t love to know my birth flower and its meaning. I was born on 25th September

        • Hi~~
          25th September birth flower is 메리귀 animated oat plant) Means “to love music”

          • Hello could you tell me what my birth flower is? I’m very curious. My birthday is on the 10. of February!

          • Hello, Valentina~~
            10th February birth flower is 서향 Winter Daphne) meaning is ‘honor’ 😉

        • Hello, I am very interested in finding out what my birth flower is. My birthday is September 20th, 1971. Thank you in advance for any information.

          • Hello))
            September 20th birth flower is 로즈메리 Rosemary) Means “please think about me”

        • Hi! Came across this website and I wanna know my flower and it’s meaning too!
          Mine is 3rd November~

    • Hi i would like to know my birth flower. My birthday is 03rd oct. Thanks before

      • Hello~
        3rd october birth flower… tree is 단풍나무 Maple (Acer palmatum) Maple tree means «refrain from smt», also means wisdom)

  • I would love to know mine! May 7th 🙂

    • Hello!^^
      May 7th birth flower is the 딸기 (잎) strawberry leaf (Fragaria × ananassa) 🙂
      Strawberry leaf symbolizes love and respect, honor~

    • Can you please tell me the flower for October 23rd (1994 if that makes a difference??) And the meaning? Thank you in advance 💜💜💜

      • Hi))
        23rd october birth flower is 흰독말풀 Datula Metel symbolizes respect and affection, love and esteem 🙂

      • hii i would like to know my birth flower, mine is may 18th

        • Hello))
          18th May birth flower is 옥슬립 앵초 Oxlip) This flower symbolizes the first love~

          • Hey Dayoung!
            It’s Musquan.
            I would really like to know my birth flower. My birth date is 22nd December. Also please explain what it means/symbolizes.
            I’m waiting please let me know…

          • Hey, sure)
            Pls check an article again your birth flower and its meaning are there)

      • Saya lahir pada 20 juni tolong beri tahu bunga apa itu

        • Hey) We can speak only korean, english and russian) please write again in english)

    • I would like to know about 14th apirl,please.

      • Hello, Haru ~,~
        14th April birth flower is 나팔꽃(흰색) White Morning Glory) meaning is the overflowing with joy and happiness)

    • Hello, i born in 7 September. Can i know what is my birth flower and the meaning?

      • Hello, Chae Rin~~
        7th september birth flower is 오렌지 Orange tree — symbolizes purity and sincerity, and also the joy of the bride :))

  • my birth month is January and date is 27. please let me know my birth flower and meaning

    • Hello, Amy!
      January 27th – birth flower is the 마가목 Rowan (Mountain ash)
      Rowan symbolizes heart and mind which don’t know laziness)

      • I would like to know the birth flower for September 22nd please.

        • Hello, Jennifer ^^
          September 22nd birth flower is 퀘이킹 그라스 Quaking Grass) Quaking Grass symbolizes excitement, inflation) and also cheerfulness)

        • Hi!
          I would love to know which one is my birth flower. My birthday is on 17th November

          • Hello!~~
            17th November birth flower is 머위 bog rhubarb, a butterbur) symbolizes equity, fairness, impartiality, justice)

      • Hello I would like to know my birth flower for 18th December and also for 29th December

        • Hello))
          18th December birth flower is 세이지 Sage) meaning is the family virtue~
          29th December birth flower is 꽈리 Winter cherry, bladder cherry) This flower means natural beauty~

    • I never know…
      My birth flower is garden strawberry 🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓 ㄱㄱㄱ

      • ㅎㅎㅎㅎ Glad for you)) thats so cute

  • Hiii..I was born on 8th July so I wanna know my birth flower and it’s meaning please. This topic is very interesting I love it.

    • Hi Melissa!!^^
      8th July birth flower is 버드푸트 Birdfoot (Lotus corniculatus)
      This flower symbolizes “the day until meet” … o.o Also this flower means that innocence and sincerity are your strengths)

      • Ohhhh..thanksss. That’s amazing, I feel really identified with the flower and I love it. Thanks for all, you’ re amazing. Take care 💕.

        • Aww~💕 thank you too^^

          • Hi o would to know my birth flower my birthday is 14th February and thank you

          • Hello, Eva!
            14th february birth flower is 카모마일 Camomile) This day birth flower means resilience that resists (overcome) adversity 🙂

          • My birthday is on 10 March.I would like to know my birth flower+meaning.Thank you

          • Hello!)
            10 March birth flow… tree is 느릅나무 Elm) Meaning is noble, honorable~

        • Hi. My Birthday is 29 December. Would love to know my birth

          • Hi)
            29 December birth flower is 꽈리 Winter cherry, bladder cherry) This flower means natural beauty~

        • Hello! 🙂 I would love to know my birth flower. I was born on May 16th. Thank you so much for this article, it was very interesting! 🙂

          • Hello Carolina ^^
            May 16th birth flower…tree is 조팝나무 a bridal wreath tree (Spiraea prunifolia f. simpliciflora)
            This tree symbolizes efforts, also means “child’s play”

      • Hello, I would love to know my birth flower please. I was born on February 8. I’ve tried finding out on several websites, but all they provided was my birth month’s flower, so I hope I get a more in-depth answer on what my actual birth flower really is. Thank you!

        • Hello Alexandra~~
          Yeah I saw that kind of websites, that was one of the reasons why we decided to write this article)
          So february 8th birth flower is 범의귀 (Saxifraga stolonifera Meerb.) This flower symbolizes unwavering love and friendship 🙂

          • Hey there, Thank you for all description.. I really wanna know the birth flower for 7th july..

          • Hey)) ^ㅅ^
            7th July birth flower is 서양까치밥나무 Goose berry symbolizes expectation, calculation and forecast)

        • Hello dayong.
          My birthday is 19th of December,can you please tell me my birth flower and it’s meaning

          • Hello, Disha ^ㅅ^
            19th December birth flower is 스노 플레이크 Snowflake) meaning is ‘beauty’~,~

        • Hi! I would like to know my birth flower. My birthday is May 15!!

  • I was born October 12th. I’ve found that my birthflower is bilberry but can you tell me what it means? thanks!

    • Hello^^
      According to our (korean) source, your flower is a 월귤 lingonberry)
      And linqonberry symbolizes spirit of defiance; spirit of resistance 🙂 Also means ‘strong heart’

      • Ooh okay, I had found it to be 월귤 also, it was just translated wrongly. Thank you!

        • you are welcome)) ^^

        • Hi,could you please tell me my birth flower and it’s meaning? My birthday is November 22, Thank you😊💜

          • Hello, Jean)) sorry for late answer
            22nd November birth flower is 매자나무 Korean barberry) meaning is difficult, (informal) picky, and also beautiful)

      • I wanted to know of Dec21st, may27 and Nov5

        • Hello))
          December 21st – 박하 American wild mint (Mentha canadensis) 🙂 American wild mint symbolizes virtue goodness, also the happy/golden mean )
          May 27th – 데이지 – Daisy – means “a heart pure of any taint”
          November 5th – 까실쑥부쟁이 Korean daisy symbolizes merits and light)

  • Hello!
    I was born on 3rd May 2006 and I am really curious about my birth flower and it’s meaning could you tell me please!

    • Hello!:))
      May 3rd birth flower is 민들레 Dandelions (Taraxacum platycarpum)
      This flower symbolizes the trust and oracle ~

  • Thank you!:)

  • Hello, i would like to know mine too. I was born on 4th may:)

    • Hi))
      4th may birth flower is the 딸기 strawberry (garden strawberry)
      Garden Strawberry symbolizes the feeling of deep affection, sympathy for someone, something. And also respect.~

      • Thank you so much😊

        • :)) 💝💝

        • Hello, could you tell mine too? I born on 9 January. Thankyou ^^

          • Hello))
            9th january birth flower is 제비꽃 (노랑) – Yellow Violet) Thos flower symbolizes shy and timid love:)

    • Hi 😊😊 can u tell me my flower birth?
      I’m born the 10 october
      Thank u 🥰🥰

      • Hello~ sure^^
        10th october birth flower is 멜론 Melon plant — meaning is satiety, abundance, satiety)

  • Hi,I’d like to know mine,too 💕. I was born on 22th October

    • Hi)~ 22th October birth flower is 벗풀 Arrowhead) This flower symbolizes trust, big confidence)

  • Hi ,I was born in 30th september i like to know my birth flower and meaning

    • Hi))
      30th september birth flower is 삼나무 Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria)) Cryptometria symbolizes magnificence, sublimity, majesty and greatness:)

      • Hi! Thanks for the post, very interesting to read 🙂 I was wondering what my birth flower is and what it means. I was born on May 23, thank you!

        • Hello, Dana^^
          23 May birth flower is 풀의싹 Leaf buds) Leaf buds symbolizes Memories of first love) also means ‘warm hearted’

        • Hi!! I was born on the 1st of july, I would like to know mine 🙂
          Thank you❤️

          • hello)) ❀
            1st July birth flower is 단양쑥부쟁이 Fig Marigold) Fig Marigold symbolizes patriotism, merits, distinguished services) Also it says there that it’s better for you to be proper with your work) ㅇ,ㅇ

    • Hello, I was wondering whether you could please tell me the flower for 4th November.

      Many thanks!

      • Hello~~
        4th November birth flower is 골고사리 Hart’s-Tongue Feen) This plant symbolizes consolation of truth) o.o

        • Hi! I was born on 23rd of November, can you tell me my flower and the menaing? Thanks!

          • Hello! Sorry for late answer!
            23rd November birth flower is 양치 꽃 (Fern). Fern symbolizes loveliness, sincerity, trust ^^

  • Hi, I was born in 3th november and I like to know what my birth flower and meanin. Thanks!!!

    • Hello~
      3th november birth flower is 브리오니아 Bryonia, bruo 🙂 This flower meaning is refusal, rejection, the wonder, and also understanding)

      • Found mine! Refusal, rejection and denial. Wow. I’m sad..

        • Hey, thats not all! 3rd November birth flower also means “a wonder” ! Don’t take meanings close to heart please! Cause real Korean definition of fate (Saju), implies definition both by name and by full date of birth 🙂 That’s just how little you can learn only by month and day !!!
          ~a lot of hearts~

          So please, don’t be sad, Hani^^

      • Hi, my birthday is on the 26th of January and I learnt from here that my both flower is Mimosa….but could you please tell me it’s meaning in detail? Thank you.

        • Hi!)) yeah sure 😉
          26th January birth flower is Mimosa and meaning is tender, sensitive mind and heart~ There is also said “Because your heart is sensitive to what is happening, it is very important for you not to give up when having difficulties, but to go further towards the goal and do what you like. How you get that experience is very important.”

  • Hi Dayoung 🙂 I was born at 11 March. Can I know what’s my birth flower and its meaning please 😀

    • Hi Sara)) sure
      11 march birth flower is 씀바귀 Ixeridium dentatum)
      Ixeridium dentatum symbolizes dedication, simplicity, naivety and faithfulness ~

      • Huhu… I can be naive alright.
        Hahaha Thank you Dayoung ☺️

        • :))) Thank you too 😉

        • Hi there, can I know my birth flower nd it’s meaning. 20 December..

          • Hello))
            20 December birth tree is 파인애플 Pineapple tree) meaning is the absolute perfection))

    • Hi dayoung can you tell me my birth flower and meaning 3 november, 21 October and 21 april, thankyouu

  • Hi Dayoung. 😊 I was born in May 29th and I would like to know my birth flower and what does it symbolize for? I would really want to know. Thanks. 😊

    • Hi~ Sure 😉
      Your flower is 토끼풀 Clower (Trifolium repens) Clover symbolizes a promise and cheerfulness) Also means “changing thoughts or actions under the positive influences.”
      (may 29th)

      • Hi, please I would like to know my birth flower and its meaning. 8th December

        • Hi, Rene))
          8th December birth flower is 갈대 Reed)) And the meaning is ‘deep love, affection’

  • Hii..!! Can you plz tell mine!!
    8th Oct.🌺

    • Hey))
      8th October birth flower… herb is 파슬리 Parsley:))) Parsley symbolizes a victory, triumph^^

  • Hi, mine is february 03 🙂

    • Hey Mika)
      February 3 birth flower is 황새냉이 Wavy bittercress (Cardamine flexuosa) this flower means “I dedicate myself to you.”

  • Hey! Mine is january 13^^

    • Hello)
      13 January birth flower is 수선화 Narcissus) Narcissus means mystery, pride and nobility.)

  • Thank youuu;)

    • Hi! I was born on 2nd of May. I would like to know my luck birth flower, could you find for me? Thank you so much 💛

      • Hello, Amalia~
        2nd May birth flower is 미나리아재비 a buttercup, a crowfoot) This flower symbolize a beautiful character and also means (to be) simple, innocent, naive)

  • Could you tell me the flower for March 21st? I already did some research and I’m still not sure whether my birth flower is Honey Plant or Cherry Blossom :c

    • Hello! Sorry for late answer)
      March 21st birth flower is 벚꽃난 Hoya —symbolizes the beginning of life and also ability to empathize)

      • Thank u! ♥

        • Can I know my birth flower and its mean? My birthday is July 7th

          • 안녕하세요 듀미니씨~
            July 7th birth flower is 서양까치밥나무 Goose berry symbolizes expectation, calculation and forecast)

  • Hi i would also love to know my birth flower. I was born on the 25. August.
    By the way how do u know all that? Is there some birth flower lexicon where you see the flower of each day? 😋 Id really like to know😊 thank you so much for taking your time and have a good day!

    • Hello! Sorry for late answer! The birth flowers meanings we are searching out in korean network – naver)
      Your birth flower is (25 august) 안스륨 Flaming Flower) This flower meaning is incredible happiness in love)

  • Born on 23rd September.

    • Hello!)
      23rd september is 주목 Spreading yew / Japanese yew) This flower symbolizes “worthy, noble (about hobby, etc.), refined (taste), refined, sublime” 🙂

  • Hiii! I would love to know mine too! I was born on the 12th of July! Thanks in advance~!

    • Hello, Sara)
      July 12 – 좁은입배풍동 Solanum – means unrestrained) and also bright)

      • Hello, Dayoung!! I’m born on 29 July. Can you tell me what my birth flower n the meaning of it? Thank you

        • Hello, Dani!! :))
          29 July birth flower is 선인장 Cactus) Cactus symbolizes a burning heart ~~~

      • Hi! My birthday is June 10th. Can you let me knwo what my birth flower is?

        • Hey))
          June 10th birth flower is 수염패랭이꽃 Dianthus barbatus (Sweet William flower) The meaning is ‘chivalry, a chivalrous spirit, heroism’

  • hii!! do u know the one for 23rd march? thanks!

    • Hi! Sure we know:))
      23rd March birth flower is 글라디올러스 Gladiolus) Gladiolus means passionate love)

      • Thanks!

  • Hello! I would really like to know my birth flower. My birthday is April 5th.

    • Hello))
      April 5th birth flower is 무화과 fig tree) Fig tree symbolizes abundance, diligence and good offspring 😉

      • Thanks so much! 💕

        • Miss. Dayoung, I am so confused about my birth flower. My date of birth is 7th of September and it shows that my birth flower is orange. But I couldn’t find what kind of orange flower it is? Please tell me what is that orange flower and what could it mean? Help me please.

          • Hello, Danny^^ Sorry for late answer~ Your flower is an orange trees flower~
            And orange tree flowers meaning is chastity, purity) also – the happiness of the newlyweds 😉

  • i would like to know my birth flower too and i was born on July 2nd

    • Hey, Anna)
      July 2nd birth flower is 금어초 Snapdragon, Antirrhinum majus symbolizes a longing desire for something)

  • Hey~ My birth date is 7th July. What flower is it and what does it mean?

    • Hey, Anastasia^^ Your birth flower is (7th july) 서양까치밥나무 Goose berry symbolizes expectation, calculation and forecast)

  • Hi,, i wanna know the meaning ofmy birth flower,i was born on 12th october, i’have found out that my birth flower are billberry,,but the meaning is rebellious :”) is it true? Can you tell me another meaning of billberry?

    Thank you

    • Hi)
      12th october birth flower is 월귤 lingonberry/cowberry) Not actually billberry о.о We found out the meaning of bilberry too, but there is gonna be some mistake in translation. So your birth flower is lingonberry) And yeah it means ‘spirit of defiance, spirit of resistance’ And also strong heart)

      • Hello! I was born in 4th of July, I was wondering what my birth flower is 🙂

        • Hi Lizeth :)))
          4th July birth flower is 자목련 Lily Magnolia symbolizes love of nature)

          • Thank you so much!!

          • Hello
            Can you tell mine too please?
            Mine is 15th January

          • Hey) um… 15th january birth flower is 가시 thorn, prickle (for example, like a rose and a cactus have) Thorn sympolizes strictness, sternness, and also uniqueness:)
            not flower but… ^^”” meaning is good isnt it?))

        • Hi dayoung…I would like to know my birth flower…I hope you will help me…my birthday is on 25th june😊

          • hello, Yooga! :))
            25th June birth flower is 나팔꽃 Morning Glory) meaning is to appreciate the moment and love)

  • Hi~ i would love to know my birth flower and its meaning! my birthday is april 13th~

    • hi) april 13th birth flower 페르시아국화 Golden Wave flower) This flower means a sense of competition also happiness)

  • Hello, I’d like to know my birthflower.
    My birthday is July 7th.

    • Hello Nikki Taylor^^
      July 7th birth flower is 서양까치밥나무 Goose berry symbolizes expectation, calculation and forecast)

      • Hello!! Can I know birth flower for April 30 and June 11?

        • Hello)) sure!
          April 30th birth flower is 금사슬나무 Golden chain tree) symbolizes sad beauty)
          June 11 birth flower is 중국패모 (Fritillaria Thunbergii) also (왕패모 a crown imperial flower) meaning is the dignity)

    • Hi I would like to ask whats my birth flower. My birthday was on June 14th. Please also tell me the meaning of it, thank you so much 🤗

      • Hi)❀❀❀
        14th June birth flower is 뚜껑별꽃 Anagallis) Anagallis symbolizes bright memories~

        • Hi dayoung! I’m born on 13th June ☺️ can i know my birth flower and the meaning of it? Thank you so much! I love your content! ❤️

          • Hello Jannie❀ Thank you so much too)
            Your birth flower is 디기탈리스 foxglove (digitalis) — symbolizes ardent love, also means the inability to hide sympathy :))

  • 2th of September

    • Hi)
      2th September birth flower is 멕시칸 아이비 Cobaea (Mexican Ivy). Mexican Ivy means ‘change’

  • Hi just so curious what’s Weeping Willow means. Thanks 😊

    • Hello)~
      Weeping Willow (수양 버들) as a birth tree means sadness of love and also bright future)

  • Hi mines January 25th ! Wondered what my flower means with traits !!

    • Hi❀
      January 25th birth flower is 점나도나물 Common mouse-ear chickweed (Cerastium). This flower symbolizes naive, pure, genuine, sincere) There also says that “Better to try to keep an open mind. to meet a person who really deserves your love.”

      • Hi i always though that my birth flawer is water lily its it true i was boren in 1997 july 9th pleass will you tell me what is my reall birth flawer is

        • Hi, Sara^^
          July 9th birth flower is 아이비 제라늄 Ivy geranium) This birth flower symbolizes true affection, love)

  • Hello I would like to know my birthflower and my birthday is on the 30th of May 😊

    • Hello, Hana❀
      30th May birth flower is 라일락 (보라) lilac (purple).
      Lilac symbolizes sudden love and also friendship)

      • Thank youu 💕

  • Anyyeonghaseyo.. i’d like to know mine too.. i was born on 26th August

    Thankyou 💕

    • 안녕하세요~ I have same birthday with you)^^
      26th August birth flower is 하이포시스 오리어 Hypoxis Aurea) This flower meaning is ‘to looking for light, to find light’ 🙂

      • 감사합니다 다영씨..항상 건강 해 💕💕

        • 고마워요~ 디나씨도 건강하고 코로나 조심하세요)

  • Hi!! My birthday is 4th November. Hopefully you could tell me mine too?

    • Hi~~ Sure!
      4th November birth flower is 골고사리 hart’s-tongue (fern). Hart’s Tongue Fern symbolizes honest, truth, and also solace, comfort)

  • Hello Dayoung, i’d like to know my birthflower . My birthday is on 1 july 1997 thank you 😊

    • Hello, Younghee ^^
      1 july birth flower is 단양쑥부쟁이 Fig Marigold) Fig Marigold symbolizes patriotism, merits, distinguished services) Also it says there that it’s better for you to be proper with your work)

  • I was born on July 23rd. If you wouldn’t mind finding mine? Thank you :3

    • Hi)❀
      July 23rd birth flower is 장미 Rose) As a birth flower rose means ‘a pacific (a charming, and attractive) personality’

      • 안녕하세요 다영씨~
        Could I please know the flower and meaning for March 26 and December 9?
        감사합니다~~ 그리고 코로나 조심하고 건강하세요 ^^

        • 안녕하세요~
          고맙습니다, 니아씨도 건강하세요~
          March 26th 흰앵초 White Primrose symbolizes the first love)
          December 9th 국화 Chrysanthemum – meaning is the high-mindedness, innocence, peace)

          • Hi! Thanks for the post, ☺️ I was wondering what my birth flower is and what it means. I was born on 22th july…thank you☺️..have a nice day🌈

          • Hello, Tasha))
            22nd July Birth flower is 패랭이꽃 Dianthus chinensis) Symbolizes longing for someone or something, as well as immaculate pure love ~

  • My birthdy is one February 7th 🙂

    • Hello, Nara^^
      Your birth flower is 물망초 Forget-me-not ) This flower meaning is “don’t forget me” also true love, sincere love)
      (february 7th) Its very interesting, Forget-me-not is birth flower also for may 15)

  • Hii! I would love to know my birth flower as well☺️ My birthday is December 7th.

    • Hi))
      December 7th birth flower is 양치 꽃 (Fern). Fern symbolizes loveliness, sincerity, trust 😉

  • Sorry for commenting twice ahh,
    i didn’t realize it sent the first time.

  • hi i would love to know my birthday flower^^ my birthday is March 9th, would mind to find it^^

    • Hello)
      March 9th birth flower is 낙엽송 Larch) Larch symbolizes courage, fearlessness and audacity)

  • Hello~~ Would you be so kind to tell me my birth flower and the meaning of it? My birthday is January 15th.

    • Hello~ ❀
      January 15th birth flower is 가시 thorn, prickle (for example, like a rose and a cactus have)) Thorn sympolizes strictness, sternness, and also uniqueness:)

  • hi dayoung! 🌻 i want to know whats my birth flower meaning with traits, my birthday is 8th january. if u dont mind, can u search it? thank you so much! by the way, i really like your content!

    • Hello, Lia!)) Thanks a lot ❀
      Your birth flower is… 제비꽃 (보라) Viola mandshurica (Purple Violet 🙂 This flower symbolizes love !) there also says that ‘you are wise and caring, but it is not suitable for you to fight for primacy and compete’ 🙂

  • Hellooo I would like to know my birth flower and the meaning My birthday is August 22nd.

    • Hellooo ! ❀ ❀ ❀
      Your birth flower is (22nd aug) 프리지아 Freesia) Freesia symbolizes purity, virginity… ㅇ.ㅇ ^^” and also good beginning)

      • My birthday is also August 22nd and I have that it is Spirea and means effort. It’s listed on several sites and was told by a Saju. Is this information wrong?

        • Hi!)) Yeah its totally right!
          But there is some point, Saju – its a definition of fate by date of birth and name) so its just a part of Saju, frankly its not enough to determine fate only by birth date) So It wouldn’t be right to call determination of birth flower – saju~

  • Hii! I would love to know my birth flower too. My birthday is May 25th.

    • Hello~ ❀
      May 25th birth flower is 삼색제비꽃 Viola tricolor) this flower symbolizes pure (genuine) love, and also means ‘please think about me’

  • Hello, i would like to ask about my flower^^ May 23rd
    Thank you ♥

    • Hello, Katy)~
      May 23rd birth flower is 풀의싹 Leaf buds) Leaf buds symbolizes Memories of first love) also means ‘warm hearted’

  • Hi, my birthday is 19th of july ^^. do you mind telling me my birth flower?

    • Hello)) Sure!
      19th July birth flower is 백부자 Aconite coreanum or ‘korean monkshood’) Aconite coreanum means “to shine beautifully” 😉

  • hello!

    May I know the birth flower and its definition for these birthdates – 17th January & 29th August? Thank you so much! 🙂

    • Hello, Dina) Sure
      17th January birth flower is 수영꽃 Rumex) Rumex symbolizes close relationship, friendship, love)
      29th august – 꽃담배 Flowering Tabacco Plant) This flower means “not lonely because you are here”

  • Hello! I would like to ask about my birty flower 🙂 I was born on March 02, 1998 and I am really curious about it’s meaning, could you please tell me?

    • Hi) ^^
      March 2nd birth flower is 미나리아재비 a buttercup, a crowfoot) This flower symbolize a beautiful character and also means (to be) simple, innocent, naive)

      • Hi
        I would like to ask about my birth flower I was born on October 22 2001.My name is Aakriti Ghimire
        Thank you❤

        • Hey)) ^ㅅ^
          22nd October birth flower is 벗풀 Arrowhead) This flower symbolizes trust, big confidence)

    • Hi, I would like to ask about my flower, my birthday is March 8 🙂 thanks

      • hey))
        8th March birth flower is 밤꽃 Castanea) this flower symbolizes the whole (true) heart, sincerity 😉

  • Hi, Will you tell what’s my birth flower and the meaning of it. I was born on July 12th.I am waiting for your answer.Thank you.

    • Hello))
      12th July birth flower is 좁은입배풍동 Solanum — means unrestrained) and also bright)

  • hi, may i know my birthday flower? i was born in august 11 thank you ^^

    • Hi, Liana^^ ❀
      11 august birth flower is 무늬제라늄 Pelargonium zonale) This flower symbolizes comfort, consolation, solace) and also beautiful way)

  • Hello Miss, I am confused about my birth flower. My birth date is 7th September and I found out that my birth flower is orange. But I don’t know what kind of flower it is?
    And also what it means? Orange means orange colour flower or orange fruit’s flower?

  • Hi there,
    my birthday is January 21st – could you please tell me my birth flower and the meaning? 🙂 tysm!

    • Hi~))
      January 21st birth flower is 담쟁이덩굴 Ivy) (Parthenocissus tricuspidata)
      Ivy symbolizes friendship and also strength of mind:)

  • Helloo^^ I would love to know my birth flower, my birthday is 17th May! I hope you don’t mind~

    Thank youu💐

    • Hellooo, Jenn))❀
      17th May birth flower is 튤립 (노랑) Yellow tulip
      Yellow tulip symbolizes manifestation, expression of love)

      • Hello I would like to know my birth flower and the meaning associated with it, my birthday is 12 July. Thank you

        • Hello~ 🙂
          12th July birth flower is 좁은입배풍동 Solanum — means unrestrained) and also bright)

      • can you tell 23th dec?

        • hi! sure!
          23rd december – birth flower is 플라타너스 Platanus) meaning is genius, wizard)

  • hiiii id rlly like to know what my birth flower and its meaning is ! my birthday is march 16. thank you so much :))

    • Hi~~❀
      March 16 birth flower is… 박하 American wild mint (Mentha canadensis) 🙂
      American wild mint symbolizes virtue, also means “love again”

  • Hi! Um, I was wondering if you could tell me the birth flowers of 4 people (including myself hehe)
    Nov. 14
    March 12
    June 4
    I hope it’s not too much.

    • Hi~~~! thats ok^^”
      November 14th – 소나무 Pinus Densiflora – perennial youth and long life
      25th December – 서양호랑가시나무 Holly (Ilex aquifolium) – symbolizes foresight, also changes)
      12 March – 수양버들 Weeping Willow as a birth tree means sadness of love and also bright future)
      4 June – 장미 Damask Rose) As a birth flower rose means ‘a pacific (a charming, and attractive) appearnce and personality’

      • Hey, could you please tell me my birth flower and the meaning? My Birthday is on the 25th of April. Thanks 🙂

        • Hello! Sorry for late answer!!❀❀
          25th april birth flower meaning is 중국패모 Fritillaria Thunbergii) This flower symbolizes dignity)

  • Hello what flower is connected with January 25th? And what meaning hides behind this flower?

    • Hello, Dominika!
      We are so sorry for late answer!
      January 25th birth flower is 점나도나물 Common mouse-ear chickweed (Cerastium). This flower symbolizes naive, pure, genuine, sincere) There also says that «Better to try to keep an open mind. to meet a person who really deserves your love.»

  • Hi
    I would like to know my birthflower and the meaning associated with it, my birthday is on 1st of november.thank you

    • Hello, Carol! Sorry for late answer ❀❀❀
      1st november birth flower is 서양모과 ( Mespilus germanica) known as the Medlar
      Medlar means “one’s only love” ~.~

  • Hi! My birthday is on 3rd November and I have read somewhere that it’s Bryonia. Can you laso please tell me where I can get to know more about my birth flower

    • Hello, Ananya!) Sorry for late answer ㅠㅠ !
      Bryonia meaning is refusal, rejection, denial, rebuff) And also wonder~)

  • Hi! April 3rd nun

    • Hello) Sorry for late answer!❀❀❀
      3rd April Birth flower is 나팔수선화 Trumpet narcissus – symbolizes respect and pride)

      • Hi! I would also like to know mine… I was born on 14th day of April

        • Hello, Meghan))
          14th April birth flower is 나팔꽃(흰색) White Morning Glory) meaning is the overflowing with joy and happiness)

  • Hi,I would love to know my birth flower and its meaning! my birthday is april 18 th

    • Hello~~ Please, wait guys! We gonna udate all birth flowers with their meaning in 2 days, even maybe earlier!
      Sorry for long waiting~~~~~!!

      • No problem, thanks

        • Hey~ Thank you for waiting!!❀❀❀
          April 18th birth flower is 자운영 Astragalus sinicus ) This flower means “be swayed (by sth good), be influenced (by something good), be touched (by sth good)”

  • Hi!! Could u tell mine too? It’s March 10:)

    • Hi Josephine, sure! 🙂
      March 10 birth flower….tree is 느릅나무 Elm (Ulmus davidiana var. japonica)
      Elm symbolizes belief confidence and also noble, (honorable)

    • Hi!! My birthday is 22th April and I wonder to know which is my flower birthday.

      • Hi)
        22th April birth flower is 과꽃 Callistephus, China aster)
        This flower symbolizes reliable love)

  • Hi! Can i know mine? My birthday is oct 30th!

    • Hi, Alice!)
      Sure, 30th october birth flower is 로벨리아 Lobelia (Lobelia erinus)) This flower means «confront the forces of evil, important to stay warm-hearted»

  • Hello Alice!
    Can I know my birth flower?
    My birthday is July 22nd.
    Thankyou so much!

    • Hello)
      22nd July birth flower is 패랭이꽃 Dianthus chinensis) Symbolizes longing for someone or something, as well as immaculate pure love ~

  • Hello!!
    Can I know my birth flower and meaning please?
    My birthday is August 8th
    Thank you!!

    • Hello, Elizabeth❀
      August 8th birth flower is…진달래 Azalea) Azalea symbolizes joy of love 🙂

  • Hello! I think this about the birth flowers is very nice and I wanted to do something meaningful to my sister on her birthday, it is September 24.Thank you very much in advance.

    • Hello, Vesna!
      Well… september 24th birth flower is 오렌지 Orange trees flower~ Meaning is chastity, purity) also — the happiness of the newlyweds 😉
      So… I think you can give as a gift a box of oranges to your sister)))

  • Hi can I ask what is the birth flower for October 11 and its meaning?

    • August 31 too if possible 😊 I watched backstreet rookie and was amazed by how Saet byul knew all the flowers’ meanings😆

      • aha, we wathced this kdrama too)) Thats why I wrote this article)
        So august 31 birth flower is 토끼풀 Clower (Trifolium repens) Clover symbolizes a promise and cheerfulness)

        Oh btw we found out that birth flowers and just flower can have different meaning, so ita better to check both :))

    • Hello, Joy! ^^
      October 11 birth flower is 부처꽃 Lythrum) Symbolizes the sadness of love and new bright future)

      • Thank you so much, have a good day/night ahead! :)☺️

      • Hi!! My date of birth is 25th March. Can you please tell me about the flower and what does it symbolizes. Thankyou!!

        • Hello, Sweta ^ㅅ^
          25th March birth flower is 덩굴성 식물 Antigonon leptopus) The meaning is beauty )

  • Hyyy soo my birthday is october 3 and I dont know what flower is taht so could you please tell mee

    • Hi ~~
      3rd October birth flower… tree is 단풍나무 Maple (Acer palmatum) Maple tree means “refrain from smt”, also means wisdom)

  • Hello, I would like to know my birth flower. My Birthday is 7th july!. Thank you so much.

    • Hello!)
      July 7th birth flower is 서양까치밥나무 Goose berry symbolizes expectation, calculation and forecast)

      • Hi Dayoung, hope you are replying. I wanna know more about my birth flower. My birthday is oct 25. You say maple. I have heard that it’s a tree. I am first time hearing it as a flower. Hope you respond.

        • ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ oh ahah Did I? Of course Maple is a tree… but just writing “birth flower, tree, plant” is too long for title so we shorted it until flower…. ^^””””

  • Hi, I was wondering what the birth flower is for these following dates,
    -February 28th
    -October 27th
    -May 31st
    I read somewhere that the 28th was barley but it didn’t seem right, I loved reading your page by the way.

    • Hi, Lindsey!
      February 28th birth flower is really 보리 Barley) symbolizes unity and also means prosperous, flourishing)
      October 27th birth flower is 들장미 Briar Rose) symbolizes poetry and also the time)
      May 31st birth flower is 무릇 Scilla) Symbolizes strong self-control)

      • Thank you so much!

  • hellooo what’s the birth flower for February 16 and also December 30? ooh and also their meanings. thank you 😊

    • Hello !)
      16th February birth flower is 월계수 Laurus nobilis symbolizes victory, glory, also an honorary rank (title) or post)
      30th december birth flower is 납매 Carolina Allspice) This flower symbolizes the benevolent affections, also deep and tender love)

  • Hii, I hope you are doing great and feeling well!!
    Could you tell me what flower represents May 28th?
    By the way I loved this artcle and just love the idea of something simple like a flower being so meaningful <3

    • Hi, Kristiina))) Hehe glad to hear, thank u)
      So 28th May birth flower is 박하 American wild mint (Mentha canadensis) 🙂 This day birth flower symbolizes virtue and wealth)

      • Hello,my birthday was on 29th october may i know my birth flower meaning?

        • Hello, Monica^^
          29th october birth flwoer is 해당화 rugosa rose) means “to lead, to guide”

  • Hello,hi there! I would like to know what my birth flower is..I was born on June 15th. Thank you so much ☺️

    • Hello))
      15th June birth flower is 카네이션 Carnation) This flower symbolizes passion, ardor, fervor :))

  • hello! may i know my birth flower and its meaning? my bday is dec 22. thanks!

    • Hi, sure! 😉
      22nd December birth flower is 백일홍 Zinnia) Zinnia symbolizes happiness)

  • 안녕하세요 7 월 5 일 제 꽃과 그 의미를 배울 수 있을지 궁금합니다

    • 안녕하세요~~
      7월 5일 탄생화는 라벤더입니다~ 라벤더의 꽃말은 풍부한 향기입니다~ *-*

  • Hello, what is the flower for January 18th? 🙂

    • Hello~~
      January 18th birth flower is 어저귀 Indian Mallow) The meaning is speculation, conjecture) also means “to be happy”

      • hi! i would like to know the birth flowers of my sisters and i and their meanings please! 🙂
        january 15
        august 10
        august 28
        thank you in advance! <3

        • Hello! Sorry for late answer)
          January 15th birth flower is 가시 thorn, prickle (for example, like a rose and a cactus have) Thorn sympolizes strictness, sternness, and also uniqueness:)
          August 10th – 이끼 Moss, lichen, symbolizes maternal instinct; mother’s instinctive love)
          August 28th – 에린지움 Eryngium, symbolizes secret affection^^

  • Hello…. would you tell me what my birth flower is. My birthday is july 24th 고맙습니다 ^^

    • Hello~~
      July 24th birth flower is 연령초 Trillum) the meaning is a tender heart)

  • Hii, my birthday is on 3rd October (next week 😁), could you please tell me about my birthday flower and its meaning 💖?

    • Hii)))
      3rd October birth flower… tree is 단풍나무 Maple (Acer palmatum) Maple tree means «refrain from smt», also means wisdom)

  • Hello, may i know my birth flower too . I was born in may 1

    • Hello!)
      Sorry for late replay!
      1st May birth flower is 카우슬립 앵초 Cowslip) This flower symbolizes the sadness and happiness of youth)

      • Hello
        My birthday is on November 18… I would like to know my birthflower and the meaning associated…will you please tell me..

        • Hey, sure
          Sorry for late answer ㅠㅠ
          18th November birth flower is is 산나리 Hill Lily) The meaning is grandeur, solemnity, stateliness and magnificence~

  • I am not sure if you’re still replying to this – I was born on December 3rd. Could you please tell me about my birthday flower and it’s meaning ?

    • hello! Sorry for late answer!
      So.. 3rd December birth flower is 라벤더 Lavendar) The meaning is expectation and hope)

  • This is a lovely site. Thank you for taking the time to comment. Can you please tell me the birthday flowers and meaning for December 3rd, September 18th and June 27th ?

    • Hello!~ Thank you so much~
      3rd December birth flower is 라벤더 Lavendar) The meaning is expectation and hope)
      18th September birth flower is 엉겅퀴 Thistle, Thistle meaning is strictness)
      27th June birth flower is 시계꽃 Passion Flower (Passiflora) symbolizes holy love)

      • Thank you <3 <3

  • Hiya!! Could you please tell me the birthday flowers and its meaning for these dates 🙂
    -> 2nd August
    -> 5th August
    -> 28th January
    -> 22nd July
    Thank you soo much <33

    • Hellooo..)) Yes~
      -> 2nd August – birth flower is 수레국화 Cornflower, Centaurea cyanus L. This flower meaning is «happiness» :))
      -> 5th August – 엘리카 Heath) meaning is beautiful loneliness, solitude, also – soulmate)
      -> 28th January – 검은 포플라 Black Poplar) symbolizes courage)
      -> 22nd July – 패랭이꽃 Dianthus chinensis) Symbolizes longing for someone or something, as well as immaculate pure love ~

  • Hello 🙂 Can you determine the birth flowers for July 24th and November 28th please? Thank you so much 🙂

    • Hello))
      July 24th birth flower is 연령초 Trillum) means a tender heart)
      November 28th – 과꽃 China Aster symbolizes abstraction and also winter snow)

  • Hello Dayoung! I enjoyed reading your article! I’m also interested in my birth flower and the meaning, my birthday is on 14th December. Thank you in advance! <3

    • Hello)) Thanks a lot^^
      14th December birth flower..tree is 소나무 Pine (Pinus Densiflora) means brave, courageous. 😉

      • Thank you so much for your reply! Oohh wow a birth tree hehe. Stay safe and take care! <3

  • Haiiiii
    Could you tell me the flower birth for these date and the meaning is
    April 21st, june 30th, july 24th, august 27th, november 9th, november 11th….
    For july 24th i was little confuse between 버베나 and 연령초. Who is the right one-_-


    • Hello! It takes more time to answer if there more dates)
      Please wait) We will answer until tomorrow morning by kst)

      • Okayyy, i’ll wait for it. Thank you so muchhh

        • So!)
          April 21st 수양버들 Weeping Willow as a birth tree means sadness of love and also bright future)
          june 30th birt flower is 인동 Honey Suckle symbolizes a love affair)
          july 24th birth flower is 연령초 Trillum) means a tender heart)
          august 27th -고비 Osumunda) symbolizes fancy, daydream, dreams)
          november 9th – 몰약의 꽃 Myrrh) symbolizes sincere, genuine, truth)
          november 11th – 흰동백 White Camellia) meaning is secret love)

  • Can you tell me the flower and it’s meaning for September 4? Thank you

    • Hello)) sure
      4th September birth flower is 뱀무 Geum) symbolizes satisfied love:) o.o also means “promising skills” ~

  • Haiii~ I was born on February 18 and I believe my birth flower is the ButterCup? What does that mean??

    • Hello))^^
      February 18th birth flower is 미나리아재비 a buttercup, a crowfoot) This flower symbolizes innocence, naivety, simplicity and artlessness 😉

  • My birthday is on 29 October and I want to know whatever you can tell I’ll be thankful thanks

    • Hello, Riya~~
      29th October birth flower is 해당화 rugosa rose) means «to lead, to guide» ))

  • Hiiii, my birthday is October 15. I really want to know which is my birth flower.

    • Hi))~
      15th October birth flower is 스위트 바즐 Sweet Basil) meaning is the great hopes, wishes)

  • Hi! I would like to know for me and my friends please :3
    January 30
    April 9
    June 5
    June 26
    August 23
    October 6
    October 10

    Thanks ^^

    • Hello)
      Thats a lot, please wait until tomorrow evening. We will answer later~

      • Yes no problem, I saw it takes more time when there are a lot of dates so I’ll wait ^^

        • Hello, Jay!)) Flowers meanings by birth day for you~

          January 30 – 매쉬 메리골드 Marsh Marigold) meaning is “No matter what happens, happiness will come”
          April 9 – 벚나무 Cherry tree – symbolizes chastity and purity)
          June 5 – 메리골드 Marigold) meaning is a pitiful affection and new bright start)
          June 26 – 흰색 라일락 White Lilac, meaning is a beautiful oath
          August 23 – 보리수 A Bo tree, Linden tree, symbolizes love of a married couple and also vimutti, nirvana)
          October 6 – 개암나무 Hazel tree – symbolizes reconciliation)
          October 10 – 멜론 Melon plant – means satiety, abundance, satiety

          • Thank you very much for your work! ^•^

          • You are welcome))^^

  • My birthday is on July 27th. And I found out that its birth flower is Geranium but I don’t know what is the meaning of it. Can you tell me?

    • And can you tell me the meaning of this birthday too Thank you

      Nov 15&17
      Sep 1&21
      Dec 2
      Feb 26
      Jul 27

      • Yeaass but it takes more time pls wait until tomorrow evening)~

      • Hello))!

        November 15th – 황금싸리 Crown Vetch means modesty, humility)
        November 17th – 머위 bog rhubarb, a butterbur) symbolizes equity, fairness, impartiality, justice)
        September 1st – 호랑이꽃 Tiger Flower) meaning is “love me”
        September 21st – 사프란 a Saffron) symbolizes youth without regret)
        December 2nd – 이끼 Moss, lichen) symbolizes maternal instinct)
        February 26th – 아도니스 Adonis) symbolizes memories and joys of life)
        July 27th birth flower is 제라늄 Geranium) symbolizes Sincere affection)

        • Hey can you tell me the meaning of September 7 flower

          • Hello)) sure!
            7th September birth flower is 오렌지 Orange tree – symbolizes purity and sincerity, and also the joy of the bride :))

    • Hello))
      27th July birth flower is 제라늄 Geranium) symbolizes Sincere affection)

  • Hiiiii, i would like to know my birth flower, june 17th.

    • Hello~~^^
      June 17th birth flower is 토끼풀 Clower) meaning is promise and also cheerful, sensitive~

  • Hii🥺 lately I’ve been interested in knowing more about flowers and even I would like to know my birth flower
    My birthday’s on October12th❤

    • Hello~~ ^^
      October 12th birth flower is 월귤 lingonberry/cowberry) symbolyizes ‘spirit of defiance, spirit of resistance’ And also strong heart 😉

      • May I know the flower and meaning of it for July 3
        22 August
        28 September
        16 January
        6 December

        • Hey))
          July 3rd – 흰색 양귀비 white poppy (opium) – symbolizes oblivion (to sleep in love)
          22nd August – 조팝나무 a bridal wreath tree (Spiraea prunifolia f. simpliciflora) This tree symbolizes efforts
          28th September – 줄맨드라미 a love-lies-bleeding, Amaranthus caudatus. meaning is “need to believe in yourself”
          16th January 노랑 히아신스 Yellow Hyacinth) meaning is victory or defeat)
          6th December – 바위취 a saxifrage) symbolizes desperate, strong love)

  • Hello! Thank you for writing about this, it is really interesting to learn about! If you’re still answering comments, I would love to know what my birth flower is and it’s meaning. My birthday is December 12th. Also, I apologize if I accidentally comment twice, I’m not quite sure how the comments work😅. Thank you in advance!

    • Hello)) Haha thats ok to comment twice)) 😉
      So 12th December birth flower meaning is 목화 – Cotton Plant) meaning is the excellent, superb, outstanding~ also means ‘love of mother’

      • Thank you for your reply!

    • Hi,
      I was born on 3rd November
      So plz can I know the meaning of my birth flower.

      • Hey, Renuka)) Sure
        3rd November birth flower is 브리오니아 Bryonia)
        This flower meaning is refusal, rejection, the wonder, and also understanding)

  • Hi thanks for your good information♥️
    My birthday is august 21st
    And my cousin’s birthday is November 27th
    I wanna know what’s our birthday flowers and their meanings♥️♥️:)

    • Hello)))
      August 21st birth flower is 짚신나물 Agrimony) meaning is gratitude, appreciation)
      November 27th birth flower is 붉나무 Phus~ meaning is faith (in) and time)

  • Hello! My name is Crystal. I was born September 16th and I think my birth flower is the aster. Please, what is the meaning of aster?

    Thank you!

    • Hello, Crystal!))
      Aster can have different meanings depending on color and date of birth~ But actually we found out that your birth flower is not Aster)
      16th September birth flower is 용담 Gentian) this flower meaning is “to love your sad look; beautiful sadness” 😉

      • Oh really! Thank you so much!

  • Hello~
    Thank you so much for this article. It was nice to know more about birth flowers{*•*} Could you tell me more about 2nd February flower pls?
    Send lots of love<3

    • Hello)) hehe thank you ^^
      2nd February birth tree is 모과 Quince (tree)) meaning is the ordinary, seductive, the one and only love~~

      • Hi Dayoung!!! You’re doing an awesome job you know. May you have a great year ahead. Also can I know about the detailed significance and my destiny of my my birth flower of nov 14? Thank you in advance. You don’t know how much you’re helping me..! Take care. Keep smiling! (≚ᄌ≚)ℒℴѵℯ❤

  • Hi I’d like to know a couple if alright? I find the subject really interesting. Mine is June 14, my mother is November 4 while my grandparents are March 4 and March 20. Thanks 🙂

    • Hello!) thats ok
      June 14th – 뚜껑별꽃 Blue Scarlet Pimpernel) symbolizes secret love affair and meeting promise~~
      November 4th birth flower is 골고사리 hart’s-tongue (fern). Hart’s Tongue Fern symbolizes honest, truth, and also solace, comfort)
      March 4th – 나무딸기 Rasberry) symbolizes love, affection (for) )
      20th March – 보라색튤립 Purple Tulip meaning is eternal affection, love)

      P.s. Your grandparents birthday flowers meanings is just awesome!!

  • Hey~
    Can I know the birth flower for June 30th, November 1st, July 22nd, November 13th and January 15th please?

    • Hello)
      November 1st – 서양모과 ( Mespilus germanica) known as the Medlar) and means «one’s only love» ~.~
      June 30th – 인동 Honey Suckle) meaning is a love affair)
      22nd July Birth flower is 패랭이꽃 Dianthus chinensis) Symbolizes longing for someone or something, as well as immaculate pure love ~
      November 13th – 레몬 버베나 Lemon Verbena) symbolizes means patience and endurance. overcoming all difficulties)
      January 15th – birth flower is 가시 thorn, prickle (for example, like a rose and a cactus have)) Thorn sympolizes strictness, sternness, and also uniqueness:)

  • Hello!
    My birthdate is 16 March. Plz tell me more about my birth flower pls?

    • Hello!)
      16th March birth flower is 박하 / 민트 American wild mint (Mentha canadensis)
      American wild mint symbolizes virtue, also means «love again»

  • Hi Dayoung,
    Please could you tell me my birth flower? October 7th (tomorrow! Or today depending when you get this!)
    Thank you so much in advance!!

    • Hello, Sami)) Happy birthday!! Wish all your dreams come true!❤️
      7th october birth flower is actually tree – Fir)) This birth tree symbolizes worthy, noble (about hobby, etc.), sublime, refined (taste) 🙂

  • Hello! I am curious which flavor and what the meaning of mine is! My birthday is November 24.

    • I am so sorry!!! I meant flower 😂

      • ahahah)) thats ok)
        So November 24th birth flower is 가막살나무 Viburnum) meaning is “love is stronger than death” 😉

        • Awesome thank you! 😊

  • Hi! I want to know the flower for 28th april! Thank you for the hard work!

    • Hi!))
      28th april birth flower is 앵초 (빨간) Red Primrose) Meaning is incomparable beauty ^^

  • Hi, names Jayna! ^-^
    My birthday is June 16th, I’d love to know my birth flower! Also, I was wondering if someones birth flower is a peach blossom, what their birthdate would be? Looking forward for your response!
    Thanks so much!

    • In addition, one of my friends asked about the flower, Hydrangea in their birth date as well (it’s their favourite flower, haha) thanks so much again!

      • Hello!
        June 16th birth flower is 튜베 로즈 Tube Rose) meaning is dangerous pleasure and happiness 🙂
        And peach blossom flower is a birth flower for 12th April!) means “in the power of love” and also forgiveness and hope 😉

        If I understood right you asking about Hydrangea meaning as a birth flower, right?)
        If yes, its important to me to know the exact birth date, cause sometimes flowers are repeats but meaning is different depending on the birth date) also sometimes even color is important..;)

        • Oh wow, thanks so much Dayoung! Thats amazing 🤩💜🙏 Could you tell me more about Hydrangeas? My friend and i are so curious to know the birth month/ date of Hydrangeas, but also the symbolism behind that colours!
          Also, I love your work 💜💜💜💜🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

          • hehe, you are welcome 😉
            We found out that Hydrangea is a flower for 6-7months (maybe cause of blooming time), but there is actually no exact date ;(
            So just as a flower Hydrangea symbolizes the whole (true) heart, sincerity, caprice and also virgin dream о.о ^^”

        • Whoooa!🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
          This is such fascinating stuff, Dayoung, thank you so much! I really appreciate it! 🌹🌹🌹💜💜💜 Do you have a page of birth flowers and symbolism by month? If so, do you have a link? I’d love to learn more about this,thanks so much again! 💜💜💜💜🌹🌹🌹

          • No, sorry we don’t have ㅠ.ㅠ
            Information about Hydrangea we found on the korean website~ Not sure if you know korean or not, but just in case this is a link: link ;))

        • Thank you so much, Dayoung! Honestly, Ive learnt a great deal from you and your work! Thanks a million for the link as well, I will always treasure it 🙏🙏💜💜🤗🤗

          One last enquiry if I may 🙏

          Is there anything about the symbolism of penta flowers and date plums? Ive always loved them and I know they attract butterflies as well (the penta flowers anyway, haha!) Is they anything on them, Id love to know! 🙏🙏🙏💜💜💜

          Its really brought me out of my writers block learning from you 🤗💜🙏

          • Aww, thank you)) Its so nice from you~ I can even feel how much you love flowers))
            Well, according to Korean sources, Pentas flower 펜타스 is not a birth flower for some exact date ㅜ.ㅜ But Penta (or Egyptian Stars, Lucky Star flower) has a meaning aslo.. not as a birth flower but anyways ^^ Penta meaning is ‘Hope comes true, wish come true.’ really awesome meaning, right?)
            And Date Plums 고욤나무 is a birth flower for 26th September) meaning is ‘nature beauty’ 😉

          • Hi Dayoung. I just find out that July 6th birth flower is sun flower. Would you like to tell me whether that’s right or not and the meaning behind it? Sorry if i made a grammar mistake. Thank you so much.

          • Hy, Intan!)) yeah its right)
            6th July birth flower is 해바라기 Sun Flower) meaning is affection (for, toward) and love~

  • hi dayoung! i love your website content, its interesting! and i would like to know my birth flower too, if u dont mind. its december 18th. i scroll down every comments but couldnt find the same one:(
    thanks before and have a nice day!

    • Hello, Anna!) Sure 😉
      18th December birth flower is 세이지 Sage) meaning is the family virtue~

  • Hi I’d like to know my birth flower and its meaning. It’s October 1st. Thank u

    • Hello, Celine~
      1st october birth flower is 빨강 국화 Red Chrysanthemum) meaning is love ~~)

  • Hi.. can you please tell me my birthflower name.
    Born on 6th july.
    Thankyou 💜💜

    • Hello))^^
      6th July birth flower is 해바라기 Sun Flower) meaning is affection (for, toward) and love~

  • hello~ i was reading this and it was so fun an interesting to see the meanings of the different flowers! there really are sooo many flowers (*¯︶¯*)
    i wonder if you could tell me what meanings the flower for 5th october has? and also for 18th january, since that is the birthday of my older sister. and for 6th march and 24th otcober for my parents ( ´ ω ` )

    • Hello))~~
      5th october birth flower is 종려나무 Palm tree) symbolizes victory)
      18th January 어저귀 an Indian mallow) The meaning is speculation, conjecture) also means «to be happy»
      6th March – 데이지 Daisy) meaning is clearness, cheerfulness, gaiety~
      24th October – 매화 Japanese apricot flower (blossom) symbolizes a high mind, noble-minded 😉

  • Hii can i know the flower for 8th november

    • Hi, Sofi~~
      8th November birth flower is 가는동자꽃 Lychnis kiusiana Makino) meaning is wit, ingenious wisdom ~

  • Hello! Gotta say, really love the idea of flowers asigned to birthdays! Could you please tell me the flower and its meaning for 26th May? Thanks in advance😊💕

    • Hello, Aria~ ^^
      26th May birth.. tree is an 올리브나무 Olive tree) meaning is ‘peace, harmony and shining~

      • Hi, Dayoung~ 😁 would you please tell me the birth flower meaning for September 21? Thank you and have a great day!

        • Hi! sure ^ㅅ^
          21st September birth flower is 사프란 a Saffron) symbolizes youth without regret)

  • Hello! I am have to say Korea is a very intresting country!! Something that caught my was when i saw a twitter post from a fellow korean person sharing the meaning behind their birth flower, and it blew my mind. So, I was just diving in this world of google trying to discover and learn the history about this moral and maybe find my indicating flower of mind; until I came to this page! I am here to ask if is it possible for you guys to identify my birth flower and the meaning? My birth is June 29! Thank you !!

    • Wow, thank you for sharing this story~~ We are glad to see you on our website!))) hehe))
      Well… June 29th birth flower is 빨간 제라늄 Red Geranium)) This birth flower meaning is ‘There is love because of you’ also symbolizes a decision~ There is also said that ‘If you try to control your emotions a little bit so that you don’t go too far, you will be successful in anything.’ 😉

  • Hi! I was hoping to get to know my birth flower. My birthday is October 7~

    • Also the meaning:)

    • Hi, Alexis~~
      October 7th birth.. tree is 전나무 (젓나무) Fir tree) This tree symbolizes worthy, noble (about hobby, etc.), refined (taste), exquisite, sublime~

  • hii! may i know my birth flower too? my birthday is on December 21. i also want to know the meaning and symbolism of it :)! thank you~

    • Hello, Kelsey~~
      December 21st — 박하 American wild mint (Mentha canadensis) American wild mint symbolizes virtue goodness, also the happy/golden mean )

      • Hello, can you tell me about my birth flower? My birthday is 10th Novemver. Thank you in advance ^_^

        • Hello, Soojin~~
          10th November birth flower is 부용 Hibiscus mutabilis/Confederate rose )
          Confederate rose symbolizes fragile beauty~

  • Hi Dayoung, I would like to know my birth flower too. My birthday is on 25th July. Thank you for your help!

    • Hello, Nicole!))
      25th July birth tree is 말오줌나무 Elder Tree (red-berried elder)
      (wow like in Harry Potter)) aha
      This birth tree meaning is diligence, strength, doing something from the whole heart)

  • Hello Could you tell me my birth flower and its meaning? I was born on the 7th of July.

    • Hello) sure
      7th July birth flower is 서양까치밥나무 Goose berry symbolizes expectation, calculation and forecast)

      • Hello can you please tell my birth flower?My birthday is 19th of December

        • Hello!))
          19th December birth flower is 스노 플레이크 Snowflake) meaning is ‘beauty’~,~

  • Appreciate let me know what my birth flower is. – August 14. Thank you!

    • Hi!)) August 14th birth flower is 저먼더 Wall Germander) this flower symbolizes respect and affection, love and esteem )

  • My birth flower doesn’t seem to be on here but I’ve read on other websites that it is aconite. My birthday is 19th July, what does this symbolise? Thanks for this, this is very interesting to learn about!

    • Hello))
      19th July birth flower is 백부자 Aconite coreanum) Aconite coreanum means «to shine beautifully» ^^

  • Hello! Can you please tell about my Birth Flower? I was born on 18 November (:

    • Hi))
      18th November birth flower is 산나리 Hill Lily) The meaning is grandeur, solemnity, stateliness and magnificence~

  • Would like to know my birth flower and the meaning, born in June 13th. Thankyouu^^

    • Hello~~~
      June 13th birth flower is 디기탈리스 foxglove (digitalis) — symbolizes ardent love, also means the inability to hide sympathy :))

      • Thankyou so much for replying my questions!

        The meaning of foxglove from you is ardent love and the inability to hide sympathy very beautiful meaning 🙂

        So sad when i look it up on google because they said foxglove meaning heal & hurt and insecurity 🙁

        • Aw, we glad that you asked us about meaning! Cause we searching flowers meaning only in Korean sources which just can’t be wrong! So don’t worry!)))

          Oh, and btw birth flower meaning its not enough to define fate~ Don’t take meanings close to heart please! Cause real Korean definition of fate (Saju), implies definition both by name and by full date of birth 😉 That’s just how little you can learn only by month and day !!! ^ㅅ^

        • Hello! 😊
          I’d really love to know mine, my birthday is on the 22nd of august.

          • Hey))
            22nd August birth flower is 조팝나무 a bridal wreath tree (Spiraea prunifolia f. simpliciflora) This tree symbolizes efforts and results ^^

        • Hello,could you please tell me the flower and the meaning for august 24, november 12 and december 14

          • Hello, Sia ^ㅅ^
            August 24th – 금잔화 Calendula) meaning is sadness of parting and also the beginning of love)
            November 12th – 레몬 Lemon tree) meaning is sincerely love, treat carefully~
            December 14th birth flower..tree is 소나무 Pine (Pinus Densiflora) means brave, courageous.

  • Hello, would this be considered fortune telling?

    • Hello, May~
      M…no, we don’t think so. Because Saju — its a definition of fate by date of birth and name also) so its just a part of Saju, frankly its not enough to determine fate only by birth date) So It wouldn’t be right to call determination of birth flower — saju~

  • Hi! I would like to know my birth flower and the meaning, I was born on october 10th ^^

    • Hey!))
      10th october birth flower is 멜론 Melon plant — meaning is satiety, abundance, satiety)

  • Hii, I would like to know the birth flower of december 25th? Thankyouuu!

    • And the meaning also hehe😊

      • Hi Richie ^ㅅ^
        25th december birth flower is 서양호랑가시나무 Holly (Ilex aquifolium) — symbolizes foresight, also changes)

  • I would like to know my birth flower 10june1999

    • Hello!
      10th June birth flower 수염패랭이꽃 Dianthus barbatus (Sweet William flower) The meaning is ‘chivalry, a chivalrous spirit, heroism’ :))

  • Hi, I would really like to know my birth flower and the meaning of it, my birthday is 13th September 1995
    Thank you so much 🙂

    • Hi)) Its enough to determine birth flower only by day and month of birth 😉
      Soo…13th September 버드나무 Willow tree) The meaing is ‘honesty, sincerity, straightforwardness’ )

  • Hello, thank you so much really appreciate it 🙂

  • Hi there!
    My date of birth is November 10,may I know my birth flower and its meaning. Thanks in advance🤗💜

    • And sep 1st too🥺💜

      • We have responded to your previous comment ^^ check it~

    • Hey~
      November 10th birth flower is 부용 Hibiscus mutabilis/Confederate rose ) Confederate rose symbolizes fragile beauty~
      September 1st birth flower is 호랑이꽃 Tiger Flower) meaning is «love me»

  • I would like to know what my birth flower is (october 9th)

    • Hi!) ^ㅅ^
      9th October birth flower is 회향 (Foeniculum vulgare) symbolizes high praise )

  • Can I ask about August 9’s birth flower and it’s meaning?
    Thank you in advance!

    • Hello)) sure ^ㅅ^
      9th august birth flower is 시스투스 Cistus)This flower symbolizes popularity)

  • Hello! I was wondering what my flower might be, my birthday is October 5th.

    • Hello, Mattie~~
      5th october birth flower is 종려나무 Palm tree) symbolizes victory)

      • Oooo~
        Thank you!

  • Hi! ^__^ My birthday is on January 13. I would really like to know my birth flower and it’s meaning 😀

    • Hi, Gaon ^ㅅ^
      13 January birth flower is 수선화 Narcissus) Narcissus means mystery, pride and nobility.)

  • Hey!
    Can you please tell me my birth flower?
    My birthday’s on 12th December.

    • Hey, Manny)))
      12th December birth flower is 목화 — Cotton Plant) meaning is the excellent, superb, outstanding~ also means ‘love of mother’

  • Hey!
    Can you please tell me the my birth flower and it’s meaning? I am born on 12th of October.

    • Hey) sure
      12th October birth flower is 월귤 lingonberry/cowberry) symbolyizes ‘spirit of defiance, spirit of resistance’ And also strong heart

  • can please tell me the birth flower with meaning of 8th august

    • Hey)) sure
      8th august – 진달래 Azalea) Azalea symbolizes joy of love ^^

  • Hello can you please tell me my birth flower and the meaning?

    • Pfff I forgot to write the date😅😅, for July 1st pls

      • Ahaha so cute))
        1st July birth flower is 단양쑥부쟁이 Fig Marigold) Fig Marigold symbolizes patriotism, merits, distinguished services)

  • Hey Dayoung :)), i would like to know my birth flower and its meaning, my birthday is 4th of October, Thank you ;))

    • Hello))^^
      4th October birth flower is 홉 Common Hop ~ The meaning is ‘to be innocent and naive’ 😉

  • Hello. Wow, this article is so informative. Btw, can you please tell me about my birth flower and what does it symbolize? I was born on the 2nd of June.Thanks a lot^^

    • Hello, Tambyk! Sure 😉
      2nd June birth flower is 빨강 매발톱꽃 Red Aquilegia) This flower means sincerity, frankness~

  • Hello Dayoung
    can you please tell me what 23rd of April birth flower is? and also where you get your information from? is it a book, website? I’m quite interested in flowers and was wondering. thanks!

    • Hey))
      23rd April birth flower is 도라지 Balloom-Flower, it means ‘amiable and warm person’
      And it’s just an old Korean book, but I think this information could be in the Internet also!)

      • Hi! Could you tell me the birth flower of 19th June, please? Thank you!

        • Hey, sure! 19th June birth flower is 스위트브라이어 Sweet Brier)
          This flower meaning is virtue and also the beauty of love)

  • Hello,could you please tell me the flower and the meaning for December 10th? Thank you

    • Hello, Alicia ^ㅅ^ sorry for late answer ㅠㅠ
      December 10th birth flower is 빨강 동백 Red Camellia) The meaning is noble mind, high-minded ~

  • My birth date is 13 August. What would be the meaning of my flower?😀

    • Hey, Merin))
      13th August birth flower is 골든 로드 Golden Rod) meaning is ‘alert, luck’ and there is also some phrase ‘better to take it easy’ o.o

  • Hi could you please tell me the birth flower for December 20th and it’s meaning. Thank you 😊

    • Hey!))
      20th December birth… tree is 파인애플 Pineapple tree) meaning is the absolute perfection))

      • Haha that sounds so fun! What a perfect metaphor for me as well: thorny on the outside and sweet inside 😀

        • Yeah definitely))) Glad that you like it))

  • Hello ^^
    Could you please tell me what the birth flower for the 7th of August is?
    Hope you have a nice day <3

    • Hello)) ^ㅅ^ Thank you, hope you have a good day too~
      7th August – 석류나무 Pomegranate tree) The meaning is ‘flawless, mature beauty’

  • Hi, I was born on the 28th day of december. I really wanted to know what is my birthflower and its meaning.

    • Hello, Nika))
      28th December birth.. tree is 석류나무 Pomegranate tree) This tree meaning is ‘flawless, mature beauty’

  • Hi! Could you please tell me what my birth flower is?? My birthday is 30 June

    • Hey check an article again there is must be your birth date flower too)))

  • Hi
    I would like to ask about my mother birth flower and meaning. 22 july 1963
    Thank you❤

    • Hey~ Hey check pls an article again there is must be 22 july birth flower too)))

      • hi dayoung ^^
        i was wondering the birth flowers of these two dates,
        november 27th
        october 3rd
        thank you so much :]

        • Hello! Sorry for late answer) ㅠㅠ
          November 27th – birth flower is 붉나무 Phus~ meaning is faith (in) and time)
          3rd Octover – 단풍나무 Maple (Acer palmatum) Maple tree means «refrain from smt», also means wisdom)

  • Hello!!!”)
    I’m only asking because it’s seems like a universe pattern to my birthday date to be forgotten.
    Could you tell me what is the birth flower for July 28th?
    Thank you!!!

    • Hi Wow really we missed your birth day! Sorry!)) ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
      So 28th July birth flower is 패랭이꽃 – Dianthus chinensis) And the meaning is ‘to love forever’

      • Thank you!! =)

  • Hey, I was born on the 6th of October, can you please tell me my birth flower and meaning? Thanks a lot !!

    • Hello))
      October 6th Birth tree is 개암나무 Hazel tree — symbolizes reconciliation)

  • Hi. Can you tell me my birth flower and meaning. My birthday is December 31st

    • Hello)~
      December 31st birth tree is 노송나무 Chamaecyparis obtusa) The meaning is ‘immortality, happiness’ 🙂

  • Hello Dayoung! Could you please tell me about my birth flower and its meaning for the 11th of september? Thank you very much! 😊

    • Hello) sorry for late answer
      11th September birth flower is 알로에 Aloe) And the meaning is “importance of actions andwillpower” 😉

  • Hi I would like to know for October 3, October 25, September 14 and Septmeber 15 please 🙁

    • Hello))
      3rd October — 단풍나무 Maple (Acer palmatum) Maple tree means «refrain from smt», also means wisdom)
      October 25th – also 단풍나무 Maple! But the meaning is ‘importance of the strength of mind, spiritual strength of the heart’
      September 14 – 마르멜로 Quince – the meaning is ‘temptation, lure’
      Septmeber 15 – 다알리아 Dahlia) the meaning is ‘qlamour, colorfulness’

  • Hiii can you tell me what flower and the meaning of my birthday? My birthday is 1st October thank you

    • Hey! Sure, sorry for late answer ㅠㅠ
      1st october birth flower is 빨강 국화 Red Chrysanthemum) meaning is love ~~)

  • Hello, I want to know my birth flower. My birthday February 17th. It’s mentioned above my birth flower is wildflower. But what flower? There are plenty of wildflowers.

    Thank you so much

    • Hello)) Umm…~
      It may sounds strange but your birth flower is just all kinds of wild flowers)) 야생화 – In korean, you can check it by yourself))

  • Hai Dayoung, Can You Tell me What My Birth Flowers, My Birthday is 10 December. I really verry thankqu if you reply my comment.

    Hug Warm From Indonesia ^^

    • Heyy~~~ Thank you)) Nice to see you here)) ^ㅅ^
      Hugs from Korea with love, for you too ^^ ))

      10th December birth flower is 빨강 동백 Red Camellia) The meaning is noble mind, high-minded ~

  • Hello, can you explain my birth flower? I was born in February 17th.

    It mentioned above as wild flower. What kind of wild flower is it? There are plenty of it. Thank you

    • Hey)) We replyed to you already pls check the comments)))

  • I would really like to know the meaning of my birth flower. I was born on 19th September..???

    • Hey))
      19th September birth flower is 사초 Carex) The meaning is prudence, circumspection and self-love (respect)

  • hi!!!
    can I know the birth flower for 28 December and maybe its meaning
    thank you in advance!!!!!!

    • Hey! Sorry for late answer ㅠㅠ
      28th December birth… tree is 석류나무 Pomegranate tree) This tree meaning is ‘flawless, mature beauty’

  • Hello! I would like to know my birth flower and its meaning, I was born on September 10th 🙂 thank you

    • Hello, Serena))
      10th September birth flower is 흰색 과꽃 White China Aster) and the meaning is ‘a trusting heart’

  • Helloo Dayoung, I was born on 8th December. Could you tell me what is my birth flower and its meaning? Thanks in advance!

    • Hey!))
      8th December birth flower is 갈대 Reed)) And the meaning is ‘deep love, affection’

  • Hi! Could I know the flower for November 15th. Thank you so much 🙂

    • Hey Ellie) try to read article again, there is birth flower for November 15th)

      • Very interesting! Thankyou so much for writing this^^

  • Have the koreans also month flowers: a flower for every month of the year ?

    • Hey))) nope, they don’t
      its just a shortned articles in the net) Full version is a birth flowers by birth date) Koreans also had flowers meanings by itself not by a birth or any other date)

  • It seems like the meaning behind 13th July is not important 🙁

    • Hey Jess, whyyyy
      there is meaning in article check it again pls

  • Hello! I just came across your article, Could you please let me know my birth flower and it’s meaning ☺️ my birthday is 8th june, Thankyou so much💞

    • hey!) sorry it seems like we missed this date ㅜㅜ
      8th – 재스민 Jasmine – means lovable, adorable, endearing, charming~

  • 안녕하세요 저는 리백아입니다. 저 6월 8일 태어나서 그대 저의 꽃 없서요. My birth flower is missing from the list. 재발 알려주세요.

    • 어머, 죄송해요!

      8th – 재스민 Jasmine – means lovable, adorable, endearing, charming~
      댓글 남겨주셔서 고마워요~

      • Hello Dayoung! I came across your website and I found it really interesting and I think it’s the most helpful among the other websites for birth flowers I’ve searched! I couldn’t find mine thought 😅 My birthday is on 7th June, I would really appreciate if you could tell me~ Have a nice day!

  • Hi dayoung can I know whats my birth flower and the meaning? Its 3 november, 21 October and 21 april thankyouu

  • Hi, Thank you for the interesting Article. Could you please give insight on the history on how or why the flowers were assigned to the month or date? Is there any science to it like how we have moon signs and sun signs? I read somewhere it originated from Romans. Thanks for replying 🙂

  • wow, this is so amazing flower for birthday

  • Helloooo , i want to know about the meaning of buttercup flower .,hope u see this . <3

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